There's so much to say that I don't know how to start. Ok, first I'll say that Larry needs to be carefully parsed. Anyone who admits to being current OR former CIA is always suspect for me. The last thing these folks do is reveal their past unless it's part of a plan. Food for thought.
Now, for those who really can see, this conundrum has been continuous for thousands of years. Anyone capable of seeing truth knows this. Lets move on.
California, New York, Chicago and several other large cities are circling the drain. Our federal government has many rules/laws in place to ensure that the destruction continues.
I hope to not seem dark but the entire world is not going in a good direction.
Coming from the perspective of a foreigner, I wouldn't necessarily call it failed. I would omit the term in your title, in order to answer your question with a yes. In any case, what constitutes a failed terrorist state? A peaceful one?
And judging by what I see in your photos and other sources, I'd say your country is doing a pretty good job terrorising its citizens. As you have experienced yourself I gather.
Don't get me wrong, we're not far behind, but you did pose the question.
they’re all psychopaths anyone who makes the ballot, so it makes sense that you didn’t make the cut. I won’t vote anymore because participation legitimizes the fakery.
So sad about the homeless and to add insult to injury the gift cards and hotel rooms for illegals… down payment for something?
There's so much to say that I don't know how to start. Ok, first I'll say that Larry needs to be carefully parsed. Anyone who admits to being current OR former CIA is always suspect for me. The last thing these folks do is reveal their past unless it's part of a plan. Food for thought.
Now, for those who really can see, this conundrum has been continuous for thousands of years. Anyone capable of seeing truth knows this. Lets move on.
California, New York, Chicago and several other large cities are circling the drain. Our federal government has many rules/laws in place to ensure that the destruction continues.
I hope to not seem dark but the entire world is not going in a good direction.
Must be depressing to go out for a drive or walk.
I hope that there's some green park without the tents near where you live.
I know that I am dreaming and not at all helping.
Just tell me that there's some nice parts of San Francisco.
Coming from the perspective of a foreigner, I wouldn't necessarily call it failed. I would omit the term in your title, in order to answer your question with a yes. In any case, what constitutes a failed terrorist state? A peaceful one?
And judging by what I see in your photos and other sources, I'd say your country is doing a pretty good job terrorising its citizens. As you have experienced yourself I gather.
Don't get me wrong, we're not far behind, but you did pose the question.
I should have said ....failing..... flunking....faltering...
Flown over the cuckoo's nest....
they’re all psychopaths anyone who makes the ballot, so it makes sense that you didn’t make the cut. I won’t vote anymore because participation legitimizes the fakery.
So sad about the homeless and to add insult to injury the gift cards and hotel rooms for illegals… down payment for something?
A gift card and a comped hotel room. Small price to pay for a vote "the right way".