"There were some elections in the EU, I don't understand what that is about honestly, as if they had any sovereignty, in which case it wouldn't be the EU"

Same wine, different cases.

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I’m totally lost and will up you one. Hopeless.While psycho CommunoIslamoFascist Red/Green allied Nazis are terrorizing the U.S., funded by billionaire Dem donars, Biden’s giving a speech honoring D-Day at a dinner event in France , slurring and telling the attendees that he is a “ Son Of The American Revolution”. His grandfather told him that his namesake, “ Robinay “. ( Robinette) “ came to Americaca with Lafayette( which he pronounced correctly). So this Irish Catholic now French ( and Black, Puerto Rican, Jewish, Italian) imbecile is the only Catholic Son of the American Revolution from France. It was so comedically appalling and the effing mouthpiece media , Dems and WEF puppet Macron and co. French didn’t say a word. I never imagined living in a world where America lowered the standard on the world stage to give a green light to the worst of humanity. They weren’t heinous enough. They needed to up their game.

His great, great, great whatever “ Robinay” likely arrived with Layette in America on a Concorde SST at Logan Airport.

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Robinhay steals from the poor to give to the rich

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Heavy on the “o” and the “ r” rolled, like A Spanish version of Robespierre. Essentially, he’s a Jewish-Puerto Rican-French -Black Irish Catholic - leprechaun reverse Robinay-‘Hood Sumbitch of the Amerikan Devolution who stole a pot of gold from under a rainbow “ Queers For Hamas” banner, kept half and being a kapo, sent the rest to Iran to take out his Jewish brethren.

And dined on Soylent Green with a side of Corn Pops and ice cream for dessert. Afterwards, shitting his diaper and showering with his daughter. I’m not joking, man.

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Dude can bust a move, and I’m not talking about twerking.

He’s the Leader of the Freebase World.

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