Yes, I did. In Cambridge , Mass. in 1979. I had read the just off the presses Rolling Stone mag., with the first reports of the fiasco in "Jonestown", Guyana. I felt I had read between the lines somehow, and within hours dreamed that I was in a line with others who were being forced injected. Only two years ago did I learn that the initial local coroner on the scene claimed at least eighty percent of whom he saw had been injected behind the shoulder.
A month later, when I was informed I was required to surrender my first child to the public school system or else, i dreamed that night of being raped.
Not exactly, but several years ago, long before Covid, I had a dream that I was being lined up with a lot of other dissenters and we were going to be injected with something that was going to make us stupid and obedient. No joke. It was a recurring nightmare too, kept me up all night. As soon as I fell back asleep, the dream came back... All night long...
I stopped doing drugs over 20 ago but still dream about doing a big old line but I always wake up right before the deed. I do not dream about needles! Thank God!
Thanks to all who participated...
One in five on those of you who did, have the Killafornia dreamin...
Possibly up to a couple hundred glanced and didn't answer, nevertheless an not insignificant percent of us are or have had piercing dreams...
Thanks again my friends
Yes, I did. In Cambridge , Mass. in 1979. I had read the just off the presses Rolling Stone mag., with the first reports of the fiasco in "Jonestown", Guyana. I felt I had read between the lines somehow, and within hours dreamed that I was in a line with others who were being forced injected. Only two years ago did I learn that the initial local coroner on the scene claimed at least eighty percent of whom he saw had been injected behind the shoulder.
A month later, when I was informed I was required to surrender my first child to the public school system or else, i dreamed that night of being raped.
Not exactly, but several years ago, long before Covid, I had a dream that I was being lined up with a lot of other dissenters and we were going to be injected with something that was going to make us stupid and obedient. No joke. It was a recurring nightmare too, kept me up all night. As soon as I fell back asleep, the dream came back... All night long...
fortunately not. I've been shot while riding a dream bus, and hunted by the military in weird post apocalyptic landscapes, but no juice.
Sounds like a nightmare too close to reality.
I'm forgetful of my dreams.
By mosquitoes.
I have a serious problem with that Gates character…
Always have, as we all do...sadly
oddly in line with the supposed % of jabbed/unjabbed
I stopped doing drugs over 20 ago but still dream about doing a big old line but I always wake up right before the deed. I do not dream about needles! Thank God!
you made me happy dance thank you so, looks like some stories out means alot just to know that...