Grasshopper, you should really write make a book of it, kafkaesque at that! Success guaranteed! No need in the taxi co.

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I'd sent off Grasshopper's Appeal to a publisher who hated it so much he didn't sent it back. Yikes.

My writing seems cruder for being so old to my own eyes than it feels when I write now.

Still I intend to put another hundred plus pages of the Appeal on to substack. Doubt twill bring big dough, but praise the Lord I did get one paid subscriber.

Thank you Goddess.

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Your presentation is a bit incoherent (too flamboyant?) , that may be its problem. Maybe get a professional editor go over it once? But it is the P.J. O'Rourke grade, if you know what I mean. A totally new intimate look at 'Merca/Kalafonia.

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Or a big entry in the Rolling Stone magazine - now that P. J. O'Rourke's dead, they are desperately in need of new powerful writers.

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