Freedom of speech rocks. Keep on posting and being yourself. Whether I agree with your every word is irrelevant. That’s not why I am here. I love watching you be creative. In a world where there is so much fake, false frothy fizz, authenticity rocks. Never stop.


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what happened to Raisi, his FM, Hossein amir-Abdollahian and others in that helicopter was devastating; what happened to Slovakian Fico was devastating; bombing refugee settlements in Gaza is becoming so grotesque now (after the ICJ ruling) that words can't seem to convey meaning. these are hard times and photographing a white rose is about the best thing one can do in response: yes, the desparation can be suffocating, but we're a resilient bunch. venceremos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11MlvWKfL7s

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Seems a bit extreme to remove what you say on their Substack because of not liking something that you said somewhere else.

That's a cancel culture attitude.

I do think that one should respect each author's particular Substack style, which it seems that you did.

Glad your van still zips around and that being banned hasn't stopped your music.

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Post whatever you want! I feel targeted for things I write on my substack, though its mostly been done through the slow moving lawfare nightmare of keeping my husband's visa to come to America forever on hold. Sorry about your van.

I reflexibly hold the position of not trusting any leader anywhere. I assume that they might have climbed over a lot of dead bodies to get to where they were. Just because I think that Netanyahu is commiting genocide does not mean that I think Iran's President was a champion of the people, for example. Some I think are more strategically in alignment with the common people's interest, such as in not suiciding the entire world with a nuclear holocaust, but almost all showed a willingness to subjugate the health and well being of their citizens during the Covid debacle.

It usually seems to be the leaders against the people. All wars are bankers wars...

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One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, and one mans nut case is another mans sage. Never you mind brother. Sorry to hear about the van, that sucks.

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