As someone in the US, I think that the correct perspective is obtained by understanding that there are three great powers in the world... US, Russia and China. These three will always try to be FIRST In influencing world views.

So, with that said, I think ALL interactions between these three powers should be examined and evaluated in order to arrive at any conclusion.

We should always consider that we are being guided down the garden path! May we all find peace.

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well said, exposure is of the essence (paraphrasing an old star Trek quote). there's one Empire, dancing in the shadows, using and abusing, colluding and manipulating its greedy, power-hungry minions. these might reside anywhere in the world and these times the balance seems to see-saw between intelligence-sharing 5 Eyes (UK, US, Can.,Austr., Nw Zealand) - Russia - China. a stool with 3 legs is one of the stablest constructions ever....

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I've always liked the idea of cooperation between the so called "5 Eyes" but the reality is they are the US disguised as independent nations.... The three legs! Indeed!

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