Which city will Russia nuke first?
Winners will be receiving the joy of being correct, so make your best guess please.
As Joe Biden pledges reserves , 3000 to the east of the Arrogant West, which means likely they were already in Lithuania and just walked those last few blocks to former UKraine, enquiring minds want to know who will Russia nuke first?¿
Does it matter you ask?
Word is Biden gave the Kiev cabal till November to shape up or shut up. Then no more money and bang guns .
But that leaves plenty of provocation time, so in case those lesser members prevail, and instigate a launch of them, who will Russia nuke first?
Sorry you can only vote for one, and anyway the rest likely follow, but who, which city falls first?
This poll is set to forever, since that will forestall the uninevitable and then we won't have to find out , luckily we have this cheap device to save all our lives ,thank god
good one! although I voted, the polls' possibilities should've included 'none of the above', since eeny-meeny-tiny-maybe they'll aim for somewhere in Europe (Paris, Berlin, Stockholm).....
I pray we do not get down to this. Seriously. Nevertheless...