Sad to hear your a Vegan. Been there and done that.

Don't really see the point to your post but I understand the frustration. Here's a couple of things that I've thought about today:

I came across this from some random person on the Internet who said: "Yep -. if Tump wins, all the Ukrainians died for nothing, & if Harris wins all Ukrainians will keep dying for nothing. If Tump or Harris win, Israel will continue to get full support for its genocide !!"

This aligns with my thinking. A vote for either is an attempt to pick the lying POS that will do the less damage to the country.

I've been thinking about BRICS. I have been wondering why we have not seen this and been given an opportunity to buy this gold backed currency... Curious no? This appears to be the way the more normal countries are moving.

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Been meaning to write more but been too tired.

Been vegan for decades, tis what works for me.

Re the upcoming voting, I might vote for Trump, to vote for RFKjr, to vote for tulsi gabbard...etc.

I ain't voting for genocide, should I even vote at all?


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same thing w/cyclists - overtaking on the right, turning left w/out yielding, how insane can you get. but the hibiscus is marvellous :-))

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I understand you. We have the same problem here. For decades now those coming from the left have failed to yield.

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