Omit the 'please's. Lets both get some guns and lern how to shoot'em, we ain't pleasin anymore.

Or, we can roll over and let them jab us. I am right there with this.

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I am not able to offer nothing but shooting guitar and bass lines you can hear in utoob

New stuff there...

I am vegan for decades which means do no harm...

Also means ....do no harm to me....

Also means don't allow harm to be done....

But it has to be peaceful so we don't become them

Thanks and blessings

I know am too polite when I write

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went to a demonstration in Salem

Yes I was nervous because I identify

as all the undergods, fags and witches and cogs.

It was imposing, the capitol building striated white marble

with a huge gold figure at the top that looks for all like an academy award...

but the sun was in my eyes so...all I could see were the barricades in front

for some 'renovation' just in time for all this.....

and something one of the speakers said did catch my mind....he said

we should be as willing to make life uncomfortable for those who have

thus far made ours quite uncomfortable....go to the neighborhoods where

our esteemed leaders live, knock door to door....and speak with their neighbors.

If done peacefully, there is no law against this. But when we arrive in THEIR

neighborhoods, they will have to listen. Nothing else will work.

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