I hope you like it .
Some flowers for you Mom.
I played some piana for ya last night…
and this is
an instrumental render of my latest MariGolds, above. i was just sayin how it would be just so incredible and great if i could play at least a little every day, but since i don’t, you can hear i am struggling and hesitatin’ in the practicatin;, what i can do but beg your mercy and forgiveness, thanks for your patience. Don’t shoot the piana playa…except with a videocam…
So that was yesterday on the piana, today we played some guitar, for and in honour of my mother, who made me possible, and thereby is the real composer of all of my music you will ever hear, hence i feel like tis my duty to adhere to the dictates of what the music demands, short of losing employment, tis my weakness and , i slave for the muse…and the mother…as it were, as she was willing to create and nourish, i guess. And then there is the Great Spirit Goddess Mama, and the various death mothers, birth mothers, dance mothers, wisdom givers spiralling forth…
Gone, above, a song that always leaves me feeling a certain way, despite that it is a struggle to make some of them notes at the start, until i get in the swing of the song…maybe it is the thing of going from low to high vocal line, and obviously i associate this one, like so many of my efforts, with the relationship or lack thereof i had with Ms. , well, Misses Mom…
Next up, MariGolds, above, mostly , with the vocal line most of the time tightened up…, perhaps the day’s best…
following by Bread Baker with the intro Toast, above.
Hush Now, literally one of my oldest songs, written when obviously i had no idea at all about how to sing a lick, else i would never have written one like that , but now there’s no unwriting it… i have added the lyric My Momma to the la la la, which makes it a song for the day of Mom…
then there is my small felinious child, to whom i had to perform, for whom, the most famous Felini Calypso cat…song, above..
finally, to wrap it up, there is the really great first take of the song, that the camera cut, so there is the intro and first verse, which i post
despite the cut, because that is how it was with the grateful dead bootlegs, so let’s pretend…that it didn’t cut out, and was not as good as the one that didn’t (okay it was likely better, my first takes tend to be…but there’s no way to know now, so, that is that.)
take 2, no cuts out, flies all the way till crash landing….or crash and burn, or crashish…
Thanks Mom. I miss you, sorry they killed you, you were so great before they destroyed you, but that’s america, or scAmerica, we destroy everything and everyone, until we can’t do that no more, which is pretty soon, i pray, i am sure.
Greatest thanks to all my dear readors and listenors, you are the bestest ever.