Day of the grateful dead Russian Grasshopper 10-30-2022
Confirmations of sentiments and surmisings on Sunday, piled up thoughts and links
Good day of the dead, from a grateful dead Russian, Grasshopper. well, not dead yet, but grateful as i can be, amidst the suiciding policies of our governmental ghosts, we’ll not point fingers nor name names.
I want to wish a warm welcome to all my new subscribers, and to all of those who took my first poll, probably expired by the time you read this, i especially thank you for humouring me.
Funny thing, since that poll, we now have the limited hang out of the minority report of Congress, what they say, may be more likely Flubah came from the WIV lab than from the BVDs impartial Mitch McConnell sports… fancy those for Halloween get up, Halloweeenie, as it were. Let’s not dig too deep into that stinky mess for fear of foul odour.
Let me throw some moldy old links your way, i know my links are lame, what can i say? Mostly i draw your attention to them for commentary value, whether or not they are live, i trust most of my readers are savvy enough to get a link when desired.
i really dug the read above, particularly resonant on the cloneworld thing, for years i’ve noticed everywhere in the US of Arrogance looks more or less about the same when once you get to the freeways , concretes, all the same row housings, the indiscernably the same shopping malls, everywhere about the same stores, chains, and jails…clonesville. Too much easier to copy machine duplicate than original think.
this article next above is about the need for chaos to save us from having to be able to function as reasonable living dreams, rather than merely dreaming of living…
oh, here’s an interesting piece , with a nice map which reveals the reason Russia is at war, at a glance. A war provoked by the West.
Here is something you won’t find on lamestream media,…
tis a link to the words and English subtitles of the Russian president, who cares about his people, i’m still getting a feel for what is there but i wanted to share…
Now this next piece is rather important, so after the link,
Meanwhile, the question about US patent No. 8967029-B1 dated March 3, 2015, remains unanswered. It was issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office for toxic mosquito aerial release UAV, i.e., equipment (product) that can be used as a technical vehicle for biological weapon delivery and use, namely biological and immunobiological agents, bacteria, and viruses (including highly contagious ones) that can destroy the entire enemy personnel.
According to the specification, the UAV can transport a container with a large number of infection-carrying mosquitoes to a given area and release them. The mosquitoes bite and infect the people with pathogens of particularly dangerous diseases. The specification emphasises the fact that an infected soldier will not be able to carry out assignments, which is why the disease can be a more valuable warfare tool than most modern weapons and military equipment. It is indicated that infecting the enemy military personnel would have a significant military effect.
Under US law, a US patent cannot be granted without a comprehensive description of the “actual machine.” So, it can be inferred that the container as a bioagent delivery means has been developed and can be quickly produced.
quoting some of the text from the above link…
i wanted to comment, there is a patent on a mosquito release of sundry agents of ill via drone transport from nUkraine on into Russian lands, i find that just jaw— dropping, and the allegation is so disturbing as to bear spotlight. Of course, they want to use mosquitoes as viral vectors right here in , well, Florida, Killafornia, and who knows, maybe your state too? i hear, and fear.
i mean, who needs vaxxports when you can just use bugs to inject folks, whether we like it or not. Of course, tis hard to control these releases after the fact, would we wish to do so… just an observation.
another news outlet covering the same issues above.
from the same outlet,
ah, that poll seems to be just ahead of the curve, no?
i want to take another poll, if you read this far, thanks to you.
This is the poll i originally wanted to take, but wasn’t sure it would work, so i only did the first question, but really i wanted to ask all three, so , might as well do that now.
Now, the next question i wanted to ask, since the polls seem to work Ok, is…
So those are my poll questions for this week, we value your comments and insights, please do share your opine for the grapevine on KGRaS.
here is a repost of a substack re what exactly is in the vials, one of many pieces from Dr Ana, she’s okay with using her first name she says…
again, there are others with more videos, i selected this one for the spiritual aspects, frankly.
ah, speaking of, we like a variety of information with which to formulate an opine and potentially disagree or in part agree, so to that end i wanted to comment and repost due to the remarkable overlap of agreement i find myself in concurrence with this man…
even the title alone is newsworthy, to me…
now it seems like the only sort of actions we’re getting from the West, is , well, terrorism.
We get, dirty bomb threats, which Russia raises the alarms about to prevent the nUkrainians from proceeding, by exposing the plot. A good idea to cry foul, a wise move to raise eyebrows and avoid whirlwinds….
We get, blowing up the bridge to Crimea, a British plot , we presume, like a bad James bond novel. Unless you like Arrogance, plenty of that in 007.
We get, drone attacks on the boats bringing grain, well, no more grain.
I am worried about the economy, which America seems determined to destroy, at least our own, by making more wars. Wouldn’t we have a better economy if we made love, not war?
I think we can officially mark the demise of dollar denominated oil and dollar reserve currency for settlements, and i hope we can mark the demise of Arrogance and the rebirth of Love, amidst a more pervasive enlightenment of Peace and a Spirit of Understanding and Tolerance of Others, be they nations, economies, or belief systems. And the freedom to speak about such wonders, openly.
Praise be those who managed to stick with my trains of thought and flights of pelican wanderings, blessed be those who question authority, and care to Love the little things, the forgotten necessities…
Now my cat wants a new plate of food, i must tend to the baby.
nice informative with your cretive word using, makes an interesting read... love your perspective on the nUkraine situation and Russia. Thank you.
Thanks! ( glad you have a cat ! our cat is angry we adopted 2 elderly dogs)
Lots covered here, I may watch the Maria zeee again, it was intense.