we can't achieve anything meaningful when fearful. let's be honest and call the fear-porn fear-porn while living, laughing and loving life.

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Your poll options seem very concise as well as comprehensive.

I wonder if the story will be that a virus is causing heart problems in the young; that nutter conspiracy theorists have been blaming on the *vaccine*.

Although one would also expect a climate emergency to be due. Maybe their AI, being smarter than me, could tie the two together.

An injection against climate change, weekly booster, nah, daily booster.

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Bill Gates so badly wants to be relevant. This is not the way, Bill, this is not the way. He'll be hung soon if he's not careful.

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They clearly announced it. I’m so sick of these evildoers playing games with our world. Thanks Grasshopper.

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Thanks to you Rosalind.

I wasn't sure as I've been reposting a lot and I don't want to overdo it..

I guess it was the correct thing to do.

Every time I drive by a large address number 201...i cringe now...

Be well.

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It definitely could be, Grasshopper. Definitely a possibility. Maybe a Marburg scenario. I guess we'll find out for sure soon enough....... It would probably behoove each of us to do the best we can to build up a decent little stock of apropos nutraceuticals / herbals / off-label Rx / portable oxygen machine if one can swing it financially / nebulizer / Povidone iodine, HOCL, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, bleach, aromatherapy atomizer, essential oils, etc., in the time being.

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