Spell check... I had this problem and resolved it by writing in my email editor and then copying it out to whatever.

I lived in California for three years at different points in my life. I loved the place! But, that was fifty years ago. I couldn't be paid enough to go there today. I think you should really think about relocating. Happy Holidays!

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Yes , eventually back to Russia, or at least Russian speaking for mental trip..

Good tidings

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That is crappy of them. I hope you can find another bank or cu. I know it can be complicated to switch such things. If I had any real money, I would put it under my mattress. But I don't.

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Damn not your year dude, no music, van vandalised, and now this. But hey, you know what they say about a bad rehearsal. Merry Christmas and a Happy and especially GOOD new year to ya.

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Yes, I hate to complain but I had to report the stolen reindeer.

Best for the holidays to you.

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