Don't take it personally. Could be someone else came up with the same idea for a name and doesn't even know you are out there. Maybe instead of "Grasshopper Kaplan" they're using "Grasshopper Joe" or something else...
Anyhow, it happens. I had a blog at that I kept up for a few years. As soon as I published my book, "Diary of a Mad Bag Lady," someone else bought the URL and set up a website for "the mad bag lady." I don't know if this person is a legitimate blogger or if it was someone from the govt who set it up to make it harder for me to promote my book. (Before you accuse me of being paranoid, I had heard that intelligence forces were doing that, setting up websites to confuse people. The guys found someone else set up a copycat site that I think is, for example. My book is controversial and I noticed when blogging before publishing the book that my ideas seemed to rattle the status quo.
I wrote about homelessness and economic inequality and I make the bold statement that homeless people don't choose to be homeless, poor people don't choose to be poor, and that those ideas were invented by the PTB to get us to not care about the poor, to blame them for being "lazy" or "not making the right choices" instead of looking at our current system and finding fault there.
The PTB really doesn't want that word to get out. Anyone who claims the poor are victims of a corrupt system that is keeping them poor can find themselves censored. This was true long before the fake "pandemic."
Anyhow, take it as a compliment. If the PTB did this to sabotage you then that means you are doing good work and rattling the chains of those in power. Otherwise, someone else thought of the same name as you, so you chose a really good name for your blog.
Either way it's a compliment. I wouldn't stress over it. There are much bigger fish to fry, as the saying goes. Just keep doing what you are doing. No reason to stop now. We all need to be speaking out our truth loudly right now. It's very important.
weird too, the other grasshopper said it was a 2 year old it dont make
sense it just popped up today when I searched it..or maybe
they fixed it? i really hate the automatic part of how SS puts a page up
for you, I had to submit a ticket to get them to remove mine. How dumb
to send folks to a non page, with the stupid text that says 'check in soon for content here' or whatever, a complete put off...oh how i hate automatic jizz like that. !
Don't take it personally. Could be someone else came up with the same idea for a name and doesn't even know you are out there. Maybe instead of "Grasshopper Kaplan" they're using "Grasshopper Joe" or something else...
Anyhow, it happens. I had a blog at that I kept up for a few years. As soon as I published my book, "Diary of a Mad Bag Lady," someone else bought the URL and set up a website for "the mad bag lady." I don't know if this person is a legitimate blogger or if it was someone from the govt who set it up to make it harder for me to promote my book. (Before you accuse me of being paranoid, I had heard that intelligence forces were doing that, setting up websites to confuse people. The guys found someone else set up a copycat site that I think is, for example. My book is controversial and I noticed when blogging before publishing the book that my ideas seemed to rattle the status quo.
I wrote about homelessness and economic inequality and I make the bold statement that homeless people don't choose to be homeless, poor people don't choose to be poor, and that those ideas were invented by the PTB to get us to not care about the poor, to blame them for being "lazy" or "not making the right choices" instead of looking at our current system and finding fault there.
The PTB really doesn't want that word to get out. Anyone who claims the poor are victims of a corrupt system that is keeping them poor can find themselves censored. This was true long before the fake "pandemic."
Anyhow, take it as a compliment. If the PTB did this to sabotage you then that means you are doing good work and rattling the chains of those in power. Otherwise, someone else thought of the same name as you, so you chose a really good name for your blog.
Either way it's a compliment. I wouldn't stress over it. There are much bigger fish to fry, as the saying goes. Just keep doing what you are doing. No reason to stop now. We all need to be speaking out our truth loudly right now. It's very important.
Don't like to *like* this post.
But I like that you are telling us, so I will add a *like*.
Wonder what's going on.
Don't be hasty.
Might be some sort of mistake.
Don't go, I like to know how you are..
Don't leave us! I hope you get this figured out!
Well, the Grasshopper way site is apparently a fake cite.
Far out they think kgrass
To be that dangerous as to be worthy of obfuscation
I just got an email from Substack and how to contact them at the office. Hope this helps some. If not that's all I know.
I should feel honoured that someone else is trying to be me....
Good luck with that. Ha
Thanks Jacquelyn good to hear from you
Now I can't see your other comment, weird, and thank you so much for confirming my eyeballs....
I guess I can keep the direct subcribbers at least, fancy that
here is a new today article at the verge may relate just fyi
weird too, the other grasshopper said it was a 2 year old it dont make
sense it just popped up today when I searched it..or maybe
they fixed it? i really hate the automatic part of how SS puts a page up
for you, I had to submit a ticket to get them to remove mine. How dumb
to send folks to a non page, with the stupid text that says 'check in soon for content here' or whatever, a complete put off...oh how i hate automatic jizz like that. !
This comment is getting pinned
Thank you my friend
Won't give me a way to pin...
Well thank you again
Love you Grasshopper.
I don’t know how to contact substack..
This had never happened before and is a new form of torture to me...
Oh well. I have to give up dealing with it, don't know how to make it correct.
That's what I get for trying, I lose
The w three p
Still goes to wrong place too....sometimes
Seems like a toss up sometimes toine and other times to the scammmer.
This seems like a malicious intentional attack.
The other stack has no entries I believe
..and is clearly malicious apparently
Uhm... your grasshopper has 3 p's instead of 2... ? So it's spelled
Forgot about that...
But the two p had connected me prior...
Have to fix that
Keep us posted Grasshopper as to what's going on.
I have not gone looking for the fake GH.
Do you want me to or does that encourage it?
Not sure if there are any posts...
I didn't try to read theirs
That stack has no actual postings....
The Grasshopper way is a void
Not my road...