Experimental writing is as dangerous as assembling explosives. Recall Dylan's TARANTULA or Burroughs' NAKED LUNCH.

Creative writing can be as effective as a Zen master's ruler, but remember the wisdom of Thoreau and remember that in our world, the simpleton's rule.

Is there a vast abyss between the quotes of Kamela and Stymie? Consider this simplistic truism from the erstwhile Little Rascal: You only make a once in a lifetime buddy, once in a lifetime.


In a perfect world, Yogi Berra would rule.

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If you FF through that YT vid, there's nothing there.

It's another ruse.

Maybe do an edit and remove?

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Watched it the other night.

Despite my problems with its producer, and at least one glaring error which has not been addressed or corrected (an athlete was identified as still alive and well...) I paid it forward.

Despite the spurious and sensationalized stuff: I don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

I sent a link to a few folks. With caveats. (Most won't watch it anyway.)

We're preaching to the choir here on Substack and elsewhere Mary Lou. Those who know? Know. Those who wilfully refuse to know? Never will.

We were all (or most of us at any rate) familiar with the data cobbled together in this documentary, from various online sources.

Dr. Ryan Cole added a little gravitas and Steve Kirsch probably helped fund it. (No idea, just my impression, based upon how much film time he received...)

But thanks for the link!

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I hope the movie stops the Harmacide. It will absolutely reduce hacksxxxine intake...

Ropeworms might bring down the whole house of matchsticks

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Well I will then leave it empty...

I see tis bad link thing, displays censorship, and I couldn't remove the thing either, sorry.

My bad, I oightta stick to guitar

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at least your article made me look for Died Suddenly on rumble, so there's that :-))

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So the link to died suddenly I posted is a trailer.

Although they claim a way to get to the movie, I suggest to use the link Celia Farber posts a couple days ago and spare the trouble they ask you to go thru

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