I am distressed about the continuing US efforts to prolong the fake proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.
At least until thru the next sElection.
Greetings and regards to all my readers, thank you for your presence.
Our first repost above, be forewarned there are photos of the ugly deplorables in the article, if you venture to gander. It suggests those self same pukestyled warmongrelesses and warmongers are gonna supplant the bidendiaper corruption machine with the clits. Sic.
I am queasy already.
There is another piece I found in Sputnik of note too today
Re the latest in slavery via nanotech, but only the smiley side…
The article says the challenge seems to be to nanoize , takeover and control the poor subjects’ cells without destroying them, such a difficulty….
But what I really wanted to touch upon, In case this is my only piece for a second, is this thing of the failed American takeover of Russia, to break it up for easier digestion.
I wonder if the goal wasn't just to ruin Ukraine, rather than so much to ruin Russia. If the evil West couldn't get Russia, the door prize was Ukraine, but they failed all of the above, and now they just want to win an election.
Interestingly, I saw the ad in my free email service today claimed to be the f b eye hiring, do you need a job?
But when I came back to the page that ad had been disappeared…
Are you looking forward to the end of dollar dominance? Will America survive? It looks questionable at this time, I hope it all works out for the best for Womanity, what is left of us?
Too important to miss
A final repost, original cite from
Dr Nass….above.
Fare thee well, thank you for being sane,
Because they are indoctrinated by a corrupt media, a corrupt government, and a corrupt educational system. Most Americans believe it was America who defeated Nazi Germany and freed the camps. Stalin and the USSR did both.
Grew up in the “ Cold War”.
When the scales fall off, everything looks different. Including Russia.