Why assassinate Fico of Slovakia?
His last name don't start with the letter K. They must have gotten some bad intelligence. K or X is the preferred last initial of those assassinated. Not F.
Folks are saying Robert Fico of Slovakia has been assassinated. Yes , and also he is still alive.
But before I forget, I wanted to report
I saw the fleet of six or eight pelicans too far away to photo in the swim around BrOakland, fishin and grinnin’
So we have the
flower of the day for you, because we love you.
Fico, I hear it pronounced Feetso, was shot today . I thought it was for opposing further arming of newnekrania, but others suggest the opposing of the dammm scamdemic Harmacide is what lay at the disgruntlement. Maybe the guy was just nuts, or we should think so, for the convenience of the official narrative. I don't know, but what do you think? I always love the comments from my dear readers, blessings to you all.
Article from Tass officially stating Fico was shot , above.
This article above states the nutso who shot Fico was upset about the curtailment of media freedom.
Although the shooter ain't scAmerican, he does seem to have gotten our first two amends confused, the freedom of speech never meant the freedom to shoot, Sir.
Just sayin ‘
The one above says he will live and get a better security detail from either Russia or Iran, not from Ukraine….
Actually it says his surgery was successful and he d stopped sending arms to Ukraine after winning the election to his position. His job title is …Assassinatee. Sic. In the past he held the post of prime Minister I believe, and con-currently…
Now thanks to the glamourous and most thorough and thoughtful sub stack authors and freedom fighters commune, we gots reminded of his moves against p h y z er , …and, they didn't play ball with the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine program, they have their own dammm minds in Slovakia, is that even legal¿
Dr Meryl Nass is a kind-hearted soul, she speaks briefly in her post about this Harmacide angle, and finally, we also heard from our friend Igor Chudov in the same vein. But a different arm….ha ha
Igor says only Slovakia opposed the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions and wanted investigatin’, not assassinatin’…
….just sayin.
I remember before I was born how assassinatin' was an every day American occurrence, did we export that skunk pickle?
And that is our postskie…
I want to add a quick note, I didn't know blinkenO was gonna do that damm guitar theatre dive open mic routine, especially without Bill Clinton and Bono, who are real spawns of Satan, but in any case I have not heard SatanTony play, nor do I care to, judging by his diplomatic skills, I couldn't stand to hear his cover song singing liar ass perform. Who allowed him onto that stage? Likely he left on a rainy night on a midnight train to Poland, with elenskies on his mind, sic
I neglected , badly, to wish speedy healing and recovery for Robert Fico, which we offer belatedly and I do hope for the best for him and his nation. God bless
I'll offer the following for your consideration...
I watched a professionally produced (not cell phone) video and watched the news story on MSM. That means this is highly likely to be theater and a message, probably to an entire group, about something someone wants that free people will never know.