What's new pussycat? World war three....
My dad Vlad promises response to paper airplanes with massive nuclear display of annihilation
There,now I feel better already.
I sure hope they don't keep sending paper airplanes to invade Russia….
Greetings to all my dear readers
English subtitles for Putin explains what is new, pussycat….world war Three -oh.
He says if the Arrogant West don't fuck around, we won't find out.
But keep sending those damm paper airplanes….
Oh well.
There's plenty of commentary on the details, me I see it as less an expansion than an explication upon what constitutes Russian interests….
The ability to be Russian, to have a place called Russia. , and to avoid those dammm paper airplanes.
What an outrageous set of demands!
When I was young this kid wanted to fight me. The other kids had put him up to it.
I let him beat me up a while and said you win, you won. Now leave me alone.
But he acted like Ukraine, he wouldn't stop provoking and instigating, his aggression continued.
I was forced to show him that he'd have to stop hurting me, and that is what I of course did.
Such a sad state of scAmerica, ScKamala, scamdemic Harmacide, they are giving out free flu shots at work, don't get none them dammm jabs, say I.
End of post.
Warm regards