Ukraine, US, UK are terrorist nationstates
Genocide in Kursk, plans for terrorism against Russia
Gooday my dear friends.
We are hearing of atrocities committed by the Ukraine military guided by UK in Kursk includes the killing of all men , and many episodes of dropping grenades on civilians hiding in basements. These are genocidal war crimes that will cause Russia to declare Ukraine a Terrorist state and unable to negotiate.
If course we all know the US is the biggest terrorist ever, the only one to drop nukes.
The article above from Ria Novosti has Naryshkin discussing operation unthinkable, don't think about how the West planned to invade Russia which had just liberated them from Nazie fascism.
Terrorism will discourage Russia from negotiations, don't you think?
Have a Good day.
Don't let the bastards get you down, my dear friends.
Seems like about every other day I read an article about Russia disrupting terrorist plots against Russia, that must be fake news from Russian media, which they want to ban , wonder why? Oh nevermind….
Be strong 🇷🇺
I thought humans didn't need kinetic wars anymore, what with all the new fangled injected war. I think the thinkers forgot that when new technologies are added, the old ones often stick around for a long long time. We still use pencils, and have the internet. We still use hammers, but nail guns are all the rage. We still use paper and coin money, though other forms exist via computer. This concept seems to be forgotten, the old ways persist because they work and are usually quite simple relative to the new ways.
Fake news comes from all directions... Ukraine, Gaza, Canada, Mexico, Greenland, Germany, France, Panama... Seems all so much like theater.
Interesting that Putin (I'm just spitball'n here) may also be interested in Greenland. Isn't that an interesting thought?? He could change the name to Vladland!!
I think the Donny boy is gonna look really stupid really soon... Einstein was one of the those really deep thinkers who where seen to be correct at that time he spoke OR proven to be correct later.