two recent greats from Neil Oliver
on the end of Womanity for lack of babies, and on analog...
Good evening my dear readers, a warm welcome and holiday greetings to my newest subscribers and especial thanks to those who leave kind words and comments, i am honoured to host this KGRaS joint with such kind fellowship of readers and voices…
i like the voice of this gentle man, so i thought i’d give him a shout out and two of his commentaries, which are , to my mind, what used to be mainstream, before it got to be lamestream and then festering motionless nostream media pondscum, the progression from embedded “journoleests” in Iraq or operation desert harm, to … no journoleests , please… we are too damm sensitive for that…
so this is neither journalism nor sensationalism, but what ought to be some kinda common sense. He’s been loathe to mention Harmacide to my ears, but skirting the edges thereof a wee bit, particularly with this piece.
tis a fine piece about the holidays and children, or, lack thereof. and i like his puppy in the background, but Neil is the speaker/narrator, not the dog, in case you wondered…
and then one more for the road, which gets into the realm of the beauty of analog, like , say , a piana, although to mah ears he didn’t have no realations with no such piana, and that is the best of my recollections.
if you don’t care for this sort of thing, don’t worry, i won’t do this too much, but i thought today was as good a day as any to check the dude if you do, if you haven’t , if you hadn’t, i like his take on the most obvious things we take for granted …
and i wish you blessings and warmth in the cold night of what we hope will be the end of the worst of the violations upon Womanity, that we may all be free and have hope, and children, and babies to care for and a future to care about,…may it be so.
Neil Oliver is very good, as you say, at explaining what used to be taken for granted, but isn't anymore.
He's probably good for people just waking up, who can't deal with the depop agenda talk.
If he said the sort of thing that us Substackers say then he would lose his audience.
Doesn't necessarily mean that he is controlled opposition, just knows who his market is.
Best Christmas wishes to you Grasshopper.
Are you familiar with Europe’s childless leaders? Sleepwalking to death.