The letter F
Rule of Freedom snipetts, Felini Calypso, Face Each Other reckoning .... For Your Love, and many more
My baby Felini who don't care for my affection too much, below
The star of the show Felini felalla, the furry falafal.
So I played piana for a while earlier.
I think the fumes from the plastic shop upstairs were messing up my vibe, oh well. Like very localized skypainting, as well as what they do to the sky itself,both have that similar bad fumes thing occurring.
So if it sounds like I was a bit dizzy, may be I am.
So first the piana catin, then the guitar I just put down for you , working around the lwttr F or so…
Yes, today i finally get to post these things, from Monday when i got an involuntary day off of work, with which i did my best. I decided to post all those that came at all, and not worry that i can barely remember even half the song in some cases, this at least gives me something to hear, and you too, if you think a song has great merit and i ought to remember some more of it, please advise, my dear friends. Thanks and warmest regards,
First off, the piana from this Monday past, starts with the
PrePRize, you are the winner., above, although i don’t claim to be able to professionally sing at all on the piana, some one has to, so please don’t shoot me…
One day another vocal will grace this material and and the thing it can be a compliment to , the more vocals the better…maybe soon? or, in the next lifetime?
More Freedom, the Rule of Freedom suite is like an hour and a half, but i only did a small piece of it, and it mirrors back anyway, mostly, in the last…but first…
The Chant and the …if perchance… from the Rule of Freedom suite, 2012 for the chant completed and 2006 for the whole Rule started, selection above…
and we did one more snippet of such for the a Capella and the Oshira 1, which the recording device cut off, oh well, sorry, above
and we did the FEOR , leaving the Rule for now, we get to Face Each Other Reckoning on piana above, which i consider my best piana vocal song; later in this post will be on guitar…which yields much better singing, of course…
and our final piana effort of the day, Love, above.
Next up will be the guitar selections, say, if you wanted to play music together and you’re in or near SF, get a hold of me, if you feel like it, these songs ain’t meant to be solo, despite that i can only give them solo performs at this time, why don’t you help make Moonflower the thing it wants to be? Especially looking for i guess another singing guitar or bass type, to me rock and roll means multiple vocalistas, like gospel…
Guitar songs from 1-15-2024, which like the above , are all original compositions, except the one that ain’t, of course.
first for these memoirs, an instrumental; i post even those i didn’t feel great about to be able to hear them back, but also due to , they may never be performed again? so just skip the ones you didn’t like and enjoy those you do, please. Az U Re above (as you are, AzUre…), NOT the cloud computing product from microscamofft…above..
Followed by one of my oldest and still nevertheless greatest hits, like many from today i guess these are either abbreviated or forgotten ends in these furious performs…
Eh, above, written about when i was in Seattle and would go play with a shaker egg in the right hand and make no money and sold my guitar for $40- bucks to buy pot and ended up hitchhiking to San Francisco killafornia after sleeping in a graveyard in the wild outskirts of the borderlands of Seattle…30 or more years ago, probably a mistake , but when there are no good choices, what to do?
Ah, back to , oh look matilde! it’s a cover song, wowwiee, missing those
Gimme some lovin above, NOT an original song, performed by Gh
Felini, what i could remember, and the part i couldn’t oh well, starts with will you lively up yourself? Hear me fall down into forgetting…above
f y l, another of my oldest greatest hits, with the latin transit to start, in part…above, for your love, my original song.
a much better vocal than the piana render above, FEOR on guitar, Face Each Other reckonin’
EZ country, Easy come come easy go go, for Ron Timmons, my original and only audio guru, the only one who ever helped me with putting a way together to record music, except of course for those who didn’t really, who i won’t mention, since i paid them handsomely for that, oh well, and lost , of course, thusfar…
Gone, a partial, a memory, an old effort , above, did not succeed muchly…
finally, Oshira 1 from guitar, which i think gets cut off, sorry, and thank you.
will i ever get thru to the later alphabet? i already missed a few important ones from the early , the D’s and E’s , have to get back to them soon as possible, Goddess willing…
Blessing to you .
It's funny, how the western musical alphabet only goes to G...or H, in some cases......and yet, we still write new songs frequently....using just those 12 notes, a universe, of a particular western flavor. Don't get me started on Gameleon and other note scales, subtleties I cannot quite recognise, due to culture.
12 to the power of 12 is....8,916,100,448,256. 8 trillion, 916 billion, 100 million, 448 thousand, 256.
Your cat is so adorable! Thanks for sharing all of this. I am grateful for you.