Sunday May 19th, 2024
Condolences to the people of Iran on the loss of President Raisi in the helicopter crash
I just found this news item to confirm the subheadline, will post link after the flowers of the day.
So here is the first official like report,
Which I found to confirm this sad news, above , although it doesn't tell us much about what happend.
I have spotted at least one pelican flying eastward to day, then saw three going west together , which may have included that first one. These fine flyers I spotted around my swim hole, aquatic park.
Today is Grasshopper day, the most important personal day, that I got out of jail in 2008. Physically, anyway.
So I have a bunch of music I played over the last couple days. I bemoan my inability to get more time on the tunes, but I do what the dammm job allows, which ain't much….
Idling Cars 1, above. the guitar is sounding fine and divine, the red Regina girl… i believe the red guitars sound better…
The 1’s are from yesterday and the 2’s from today…
next above, MariGolds 1…not as good a vocal as from today, i’d guess…for those concerned…
John Denver Biden 1 above/ paper airplane…
i think i am finally getting thru the soloes on the song, which , honestly, it ain’t really a solo if you already are playing all alone and no one is there to hear you , just sayin…. But not to complain.. too much. i sure wish i had some friends to play some of these songs with… Send me some musicians, please, although maybe i will regret that, what else is life about? i’d like to find out.
the rest of the cuts are from today, some a bit rough and tumbled, at least we get something to hear back…except for the encore, which was not recorded, oh well…i’ll play that song again , meanwhile no need to bemoan that , too much.
From today, first up was Big Easy Song, above, a great warm up number for the voice…in the bottom of my range, forces me to breathe some air into those pipes…
Next up, above, the rarely performed and most fabulous Mary Blue, i shall have to work it back up, although i didn’t quite get it right today, i post it anyway, it was pretty close to okay most of the time… this is one of my few songs in the large repertoire that someone actually said they liked long ago…with a bass, it becomes somewhat reggae sounding…if i had four arms, i’d use the other two for bass, or to really get mean on that piana, i’d be like art tatum with his two, well, maybe not…
Eh, like one of my oldest, possibly the oldest, or close to one of my oldest songs, and such a great composition, again, without a bass, hard to do justice to …above
MariGolds 2, above, with some jewel moments and some messy wessy’s , oh well. At least most of the vocals are where they want to be, the guitar “soloes” notwithstanding…which are mostly okay, else i wouldn’t put it here for you to hear…
an interesting John Denver Biden, always an interesting one to play, especially with that nice amp vibratoes…, above
and finally (except for the imaginary encore i actually played, but oh well) there is the Idling cars 2, for you… above, er, below, i stand corrected and spell checked and hung up in the coat room. I was abandoned like an old jacket someone left there and no one ever picked me up, i just hang in the corner unwanted…
and that’s our show, thank you, blessings to you, praying for peace and gosh i hope they stop these damm assassinations, not saying that is what happened to Raisi, but certainly to Fico, hope he will pull through, Goddess willing.
Gratitude to all our readers and listeners , praying for Julian Assange to be released to day.
an old Brokedown Palace, likely the best i can do with this one, wanted to cite for posterity and all
Beautiful stack today grasshopper day. Yes, to Assange, and to the other. Love your enthusiastic smiles on the video photos. I haven't listened yet, but will do that tomorrow. Looks like you're loving what you're doing. Hoping the best for Julian tomorrow too. . .