i made a mistake, imagine that! First one since the last mistake, so a few seconds at most. This mistake was, i forgot to load the song
Thanksgiving take 3 from yesterday’s practice, with myself and Randy Lee Odell, drums, but he said at the time this might have been our best take, so here it is above. For those of you who wondered what happened yesterday on take one, Randy broke a drumstick!!! In my decades, let’s just say several, on the planet, i have NEVER seen a drummer break a stick. I mean, i even saw a bassist snap an A string, i think, which is almost the thickest one, or maybe it was the D, but that only once, and even more rare than a broken bass string is a broken drum stick, so clearly the Gods were with us to let us know that this was a momentous and fortuitous moment, which i think was captured a couple takes later in the post above.
another song from the scamdemic above,, written just prior, …
and finally Maxxine the booster, both above from yesterday in case you missed it…
thanks for your earballs, what are your thoughts?
Thanks even just that first tune was cathartic for me to hear, you really have a fusion of influences that I consider supremely current as well as historical of coursical....may try to learn some of your gtr solo by flugelhorn or tbone...nice melodic lines...best
Nice, real nice, and funny. Those first two echo two oldies I've been listening to lately. Thrasher and Isn't It A Pity. Neil Young and Nina Simone