Russian people celebrate victory day
Congratulations and adorations to my fellow Russians on behalf of all of Womanity. Pabueada, victory!!!
I want to start with a quote from a fine writer who struggled with his craft to perfect the ability to convey.
Ernest Hemingway is quoted by Alex Christoforou today,
As I noted from his video…and also…
More ominous a prediction…,sadly…
About 16+ minutes into the link
You can hear Putin, with subtitles in English, discuss humbly the commemoration.
Sometimes the poster of the YouTube above deletes his own stuff, just sayin. But I was able to watch most of it…
Also an obvious piece about the need to include and involve Russia in the upcoming discussion that will be an unconditional surrender to Russia. Possibly they will let Biden declare Fictory and go eat an ice cream cone and sniff the hair of the statute of liberty….or the horse drawn livery.
Actually Biden seems to be stalking me. Always flying in to conduct secret meetings a block away that get announced on the traffic updates.
They block off the sidewalks as if the chairman of China was coming to visit…and force folks to walk in traffic. Cops man the barricades and ignore me , cheerleading, G o Go Geno cide Joe…. They don't have much amo since it was mostly sent to Ukraine or Isra Hell.
If you hadn't gotten the news at the time from 2014, this can fill you in.
Word is that in July the Arrogant West will lie at one of their think tank summits that run over protestors and state that no NATO Hato troops boots will be on the ground in former Ukraine, except the ones that are already there, who will never leave, …
The thought I leave you with, which I found so humourous, I don't know why
Probably Dmitri Medvedev’s accommodating smile….
Blessings and gratitude for my dear readers and listeners.
Regards from an American citizen born in Russia, USSR. Yes, the great nation of the friendly bear, sister or brother of the bear of the state I reside in, SF killafornia, scAmerica. Thank you for bearing with me, roar. Roar. Roar…
In all my reading about the global influence of Western Reach and coercion I have not seen the term "Military Industrial Congressional Complex" until now!!? That kinda clears up everything for me...