Ah , where to start…
Quack quack, welcome to lame duck season, please don't shoot…
Welcome to all my dear friends.
So apparently the US has won the Moldovan election.
For those who wonder, I have confirmed on expert authority from anonymous administration officials…
Yes, mold does come from Moldova. Then they trransportate it in the moldovVvan so there is plenty of mold to spread around equitably.
The world death organization will declare an outbreak of mold, then we will all be obliged to inject it. Thank you Maia Sandu, from whence does cometh sand. Now you know .
ScKamala is unable to string a meaningful phrase or sentence together because she has to choose her lies carefully, Trump don't care at all. He is a game show host, she is the one who spins the wheel of fortune .
What remains of the demoRats now?
Maybe an island in the Dnieper, ideally their own Alcatraz for the war criminales.
It can be called The end of the neoscum tragedy.
Russia is getting fit to visit mister elenskies piana at the Condor club in Kiev, possibly.
It is out of tune.
Usually they declare the winner on the same day. What if they don't ever declare a winner, ? We are all losers, the game ends….the show is over.
You too can be the next contestant of the price is right, in jeopardy, having lost your mind, the authorities will help you to find it….
So get out there and forget the last five years, the last fifty, the last five hundred….
Warm regards
election season and the gov't kills a pet squirrel. riiiiight....
Frank Zappa... Ha. I would say the illusion will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move all the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.
Hard to argue.