I heard someone I don't care to name ask once, what do women really want? Sadly she badmouthed Russia around the start of SMO so I hadn't listened to her much since.
Women want the same thing Russians want.
To speak Russian, to praise God, to love our children and raise good kind hearted folks who love God…
What Russia don't want ?
Escalation escalator.
False flag chemical or dirty bomb after killing general who protects from such attacks…
What Russia has stated will not be allowed…
No UKraine in NATO hato, no hato NATO in nUKraine.
No nazeee peloseee fUkraine, no bandera stan allowed on Russian earth. Little Russia, novorussiya, the borderlands called Ukraine are very much Russia, with Russian speakers, religion , customs, which may not be hostile to Russia, which will control the earth and mineral therein, vanguard blackrock notwithstanding, those title deeds are void elenskies, snort your cocaine and go home to Florida, Miami is where your next lines will be if ….the snakes slither sweetly
No NATO nyet. No Nazie nyet nichivo. No scAmerica West weapons to be left lyin round dangerously, and my dad Vlad is doin pretty good demilitarizin the Aggressor Arrogant West, way To go daddyO…SMO to go, buy ine get one free. Georgia free with your ukrainium.
Russia don't need no ceasefire. Putin don't need the sympathies of the brainwashed lamestream mainstream media lovers and the whores who adore their effervescence.
Putin is saying the game of provoking Russia is a bad idea, no good can come of it, you know there won't be any negotiation with elenskies failed state, but …
These are places that do seem to be falling failing: South Korea Canada Germany France the neosxum gang may be facing their last dance, dear God may it be so, but if we can't fix it with my dad Vlad who is supposed to be some sort of badass killer. , is he? But barring Putin to slay the bald turkey bird symbol of scAmerica , maybe the aliens in those drones can do us a solid dealio to avert our worst disasters being full scale provoked by the remnants of a failed state America Joe Biden ScKamala smelling like leftover leftovers
They done declared Fictory tucked tail and swore Russia wouldn't cross into Polllsville so help us Lucie….
Oh Lucy!
I love Lucy, da da da da da dat dat da,
The price is right,
US actively actually already has entered into world war three against Russia
It's 2024, barely, and there are still so many American minds that are living in 1974....or before. But those little minds are dying at a rapid pace these last few years, for some reason. I for one would like to see Spain, France (ie Dads people) and Romania (ie Moms people) before I die. At least Eugenio Monesma has lots of Spanish language cultural documentaries for the time being. Lots.