Remembering September 11th, again
As she said, "Let's remember..." . What exactly do we remember? the onion,
What is my memory of the events of September 11th? I was too young for the original Chile 1973 Kissinger Pinochet coup, so i won’t speak to that nor the 1986 church burning aimed at Aristead, another coup in Haiti, how original… both of which i’ve only heard whispered about in the wind and have done very little research about.
So i can speak a bit more about the events of September 11th , 2001. The most terrible Tuesday, i spent countless hours researching and i guess in addition to being in my heart part of the peace movement opposed to all wars, where did that go to ? … i also became in my spoken voice part of the Truth Movement, sort of like believing in the laws of physics, the wetness of water.
This is the impetus of what became the sordid events, the tale i describe in Grasshopper’s Appeal, available in this substack.
Good evening, good day, hello and a warm welcome to my dear readers, my newest subscribers get a special shout out, i am honoured to be able to give voice to the thoughts we commonly share… as members of Womanity who care about the well being of life and living in a loving manner. May it be so.
I want to give praise and blessings to the powers of positive Spirit and shared gratitude.
We all remember the initial shock, which it was intended to be, when we heard about the events of the day as they developed and the Narrative was imposed. Without question.
Notice the similarities twixt the Scamdemic and the predisCog of 9-11-01.
3-11-2020 i date the Lockdowns IsoLa viruganda Flubah Big Harma hacksxxxxine Harmacide Scamdemic. Having lived through my sordid suffering after the predisCog, i was perhaps sensitized to the concept, but then too they had successfully imposed them upon me, so they did it to you.
disCog 1. DisCognition, mass hypnosis psychosis delusional formation IsoLa lockdown flubah scamdemic is parallel to the predisCog in some obvious ways i wish to enumerate.
Prior to the onset, there was already a sense of , pointlessness and panic in the air, and the talk of money problems… and economic decline, before 9-11.
The narrative was preplanned and imposed. The inside job was taken over by the Mossad. The preplanned wars were waged thereafter with the events used as a pretext, or, a preconditioning for the shift of public sentiment to allow such evil, as it were.
There was torture imposed on individuals and, then, the population generally. Solitary isolation, then social isolation. Lockdowns IsoLa terror torture, as the example was made of Julian Assange, lest one consider to be able to speak a bit too freely of the truth…
and Anthrax letters gave the bioweapon aspect to the warmup disCog. Thereafter the imposition of rules or laws and shadow coup Governments in hiding, what they call it? gain of function Continuity of Government , who are now chimeric fishRats and horseBats with 5 wings.
Laws and regulations passed that were priorly impossible.
The Rules based order imposed the will of the bioweapon of democracy. Sometimes the majority may vote for tyranny, or out of ignorance , to avoid hearing about the nanothermite charges in these high rise freefallers. What airplane hit world trade center 7 ? a paper mache` masquerade.
(Now we’re told to put on our mask and inject their trusty needlerape…)
My mother was blowing green dust out of her nose for years after, and ended up having to get it burned to stop the nosebleeds. She lived miles away, from ground zero, the same name as where the nuclear bombs dropped.
Ground zero.
What happened? We’re not allowed to say . The narrative may not be questioned, the laws of physics be dammed. Free fall . Richard Gage. thousands of architects and engineers, firefighters for 9-11 truth. The inconvenient truth.
Why would America burn its own house down?
and, when have we not burned our own house down?
as if we lived upon another planet, the planet of war, the one we don’t bring home to the family on the range. in the homeland. war over there. calm quiet here.
i remember thingking at first twas blowback for our adventures influencing folks round yonder, but i was wrong, for now i’m convinced we had to have done it to our selves, who else but the spookiest of white ghosts could have pulled off such a movie? only the most deepest of inside the state actors, obviously , who already had the keys to the casa, master, the master keys, masa…
So my understanding of the highjacked planes, which may be the same ones that were flown into the buildings and then again some suggest they were drones, there was a flying something not a plane that hit the sPentagon, rollin in through the artificial turf. Lower than any airplane can actually fly. Fake cell phone calls on the false flag planes that technologically were not possible. The five o’ clock report on the B B C of the fall of building 7 a mere twenty minutes later, a rather bloody lucky guess.
The freefall demolition of three big buildings, one with spoken warnings to clear, the other two with thousands dead , so we had an excuse to go to wars and kill millions more. Betrayal.
This is my opinion only, and not the editorial policy of substack, whom i offer gratitude for allowing me to speak clearly , as well as you in the comments…
i don’t know , i felt like i had to say something as i’ve already paid dearly for doing so. I didn’t claim to be able to speak clearly about it, nor separate my emotions and broken heart and broken dreams , nor to be able to leave the bad smell out of the onion.
I have heard there were conspiracies around 9/11 but I never took them seriously until I was slapped awake two years ago with the lies surrounding the 'Official Narrative', all other research and treatments be damned. The scales are coming off and I am able to see a bit more clearly....
Trump in a speech, quoted from his book in 2000 that Bin Laden was going to bring down the Twin Towers and his good friend Lucky Larry Silverstein is a good man! Go figure the brillianxe of the psychiic Orange faced clown.