Putin offers to warm up small densely populated aggressor states around campfire
And roast them like marshmallows....
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Greetings my dear readers and listeners if my desktop allows me back online….it denied my access last night., so I couldn't post the latest sounds…
Further evidence of yesterday's failed Russian invasion lingers, above
My dad Vlad gave a speech , actually a pressor, and I've found it in a couple of languages, the Russian starts a bit earlier than the English.
Above , Russian in Tashkent, Tajikistan, I guess.
I enjoy listening to the Russian that Putin speaks. I wonder if he can sing and play guitar or banjoy. That would be fun to watch and hear…
Oh. He says that folks should stop fucking with Russia. That is an English translation into slang-bang.
Above is the actual English of the same pressor, after the first question in Russian only is skipped off from first linkskies.
Basically, Putin says upon query that per the laws of Ukraine, elenskies is no longer valid, and the head of the Rada, Stepanovich, would be the de facto acto.
Or, In the shadow is the last elected Yanokovich, waiting to take over the government of Ukraine and sign unconditional surrenders to Russia, we have heard recently, although i do embellish, postulate, improvise and speculates my own personal points of perview…
Alexander Mercouris offers this fine summary of these develops in his first 45 minutes, which I usually play at one and a half speed. There is a toggle on the upper right of the u tube screen to do that when you finger it…
Another view of all this….a New channel Active Measures I find useful., above.
Thus we can speak of , oh Yes, Mercouris says Putin had mentioned somewhere that Raisi s helicopter was the one that was American made. While the other two were Russian…. John Helmer has a new post suggesting twas suicide of the pilot, but I didn't see the evidence of that….maybe I missed it…in his Dances with bears site.
Elsewhere as I recall, Larry Johnson in his sonar21 site , or was it Alastair Crooke who posted there? Not sure where did I see, that maybe Isra Hell is behind the move to damage the radar for the Russian early warning of nuclear launches system in Orsk which I don't know did drones hit? And the at least superficial damage from drones at the first struck site I don't recall …
The idea may be that this was an Isra Hell aggression, and Ukraine is supposed to be receiving support from Isra Hell soon, to Russia s great chagrin, and hence those marshmallows….I doubt Russia will be cool with strikes upon Iran if that is what someone is thinking or plannin….change them plans.
Well. That is the news of the last half hour or so.
Will anyone hear?
To my eyeball world war Three is being provoked up the escalation escalator. Hope I am Wrong.
Depop by any and all means it seems.