Oreshkin / Hazel
Three I asked did not know, world war Three has already started, for thanksgiving
In these last few days, the US and the UK criminal governments , those who control their kartels, have started world war Three, of which many here in America have no idea. Did you?
Greetings my dear friends. I write although other duties call, but I do feel the need to share my concerns if you've not heard….
This week past the corrupt American govt gave priorly declined permit to attack Russia, and thusly did so. My Mom is crying in her grave.
Word is, possibly, per the Durans, the UK storm shadows were an attack on Belaousev which failed but did kill others, on the heels of the US attack against Russia with the hands of Ukrainians in Bryansk if my memory serves…both attacks against Russia require US tech computer program guidance to function. Putin has declared such as these to be attacks by all involved….
World war Three is a dark time started , to evade transit to the winner pres? Will it matter when all we have left is ashes in our mouths?
Happy Thanksgiving
Some links re this matter
Scott Ritter et al dialogue above
Piece recommended by Andre martyanov, short and bitter above.
Tass gives Dmitri Medvedev re the Hazel Oreshkin. Scott mentions these were meant to take out aggressive European installs aimed at Russia in the first cite towards end
Finally, above , my dad Vlad. With English lyrics….that is a partial where you can hear the actual Russian words…
Thus concludes Womanity, or not?
If not , hope to hear your fine commentaries
beautiful sasanqua camellia!
Sorry for those concerned that tis an Oreshnik rather than an Oreshkin I likely misspoke I need to relearn Russian fast... begging your pardons dear friends