nUKraine nyet
Russia will not allow nuclear weapons in UKraine. Nyet means nyet. Never ever. NO. Nada. Nichivo.
Gooday my dear friends.
Alex Christoforou does brilliant analysis in his latest, which I cite.
He says elenskies is unwavelling…
Was he ever ravelled?…ha ha
The SMO in his estimate was over the issue of nuclear UKraine….
Russia will always say no way Jose.
Every time.
Alex opines twas the lack of a clear prohibition upon said nuclear UKraine that did not emanate from Ms ScKamala that caused Russia to invade Ukraine. I can hear her laughing now.
In other news, welcome to the latest friends who have subscribed, thank you.
Let's see a flower today….Lovely.
I have been working so hard lately, the harder I work the less I have. That is capitalism. Oh well.
Bad as things are now. With th impending explosion of the dollar dominance, they shall likely get worse first, possibly better later?
It's like the scamdemic never really stopped, the disconnection, the anti social living, barely…some folks married their face diapers, never to be seen again. Tell them take off the mask, they say, Nope.
Was the scamdemic an internal nuclear bomb foisted upon us in some cases unwillingly….is the skypainting? Sometimes I feel like I am not nearly enough of a conspiracy theorietist….or is it theorist? Conspiracy theorist. Fancy that word….
I miss America, where did she go?
Does ScKamala know? Nope.
If only they were mere theories and had not become narratives to be disbelieved as nothing renders true when genosuicide rules the day. Genosuicide is all I can say, Isra Hell. We have two, make that three states with pretendsodents who clearly would better serve us jailed. ElenskiesYermak nuke UKraine ukroNazies, nuke zionazie Isra Hell Bibi yahoo yahoo killing his way to calamity, emulating Ukraine, and of course our. Very own scAmerica. What leader? Kingpin slim?
Does any of this make any sense? Why I am hard pressed to write….
Alexander Mercouris said today he isn't sure elenskies knows he is clown acting, I paraphrase, and rather has become the part he played, plays…an actual UkroNazzie leader of a failed state….
Fancy that. Send your children to the front lines to help Ukraine, he elenskies asks…, please more child sacrifice.
End notes…
Ukraine is part of Russia.
Taiwan is part of China.
Isra Hell has genosuicided itself, that Palestine may be reborn, as a truly holy place of peace.
Thus concludes today's post. Yes mostly written while not driving as traffic was stopped.
I miss hearing back your fine comments, my dear friends…
Fare thee well .
Every day it seems a conspiracy theory is unveiled as truth. I can’t believe how many lies we fell for and how many are waking up. Is it in time to save this sinking ship?
This is amazing. All should watch this!!..