This thing says i am misspelling bioweapons . Or, just for the fear factor, there is a red line under the word on my screen. Either i’ve misspelled it , or tis two words that don’t belong together. Hmmm.
Like, Hmmm has too many m’s , says Bill Gates. Shall i continue to nonconform, i get the red underline, . I am supposed to eat my bugs and say yummy, hunky dory. Those two words require a dash, hunky-dory. Don’t know Hunky , nor Dory, do you?
There there’s , just for fun, let’s see, biochemweapons, oh, yes, big red underline.
So the chemtrails to promote rain, also red underline. Hmmm, maybe we ought to listen to some ah them misspellings. But i digress. i’m tired, i worked today, like everyday, where do the days go? They always seem to get away from me, these days…which are not my own, when oh will they ever be?
I’ll let others speak for me today.
Thanks for reading, the reposts are things i thought worthy of my eyeballs, that possibly you didn’t see somewhere else yet?
Thanks, blessings to you my dear readers, and listeners.
So let’s give the honour to Scott Ritter to start the conversate.
here is his piece, about good ‘ole StrAngela Angela Merkel, the murky murkstress of malaise. I almost called it Maniacal monday, for her, but went with the calmer title to subdue the others…
Merkel Reveals West’s Duplicity
Posted by Internationalist 360° on December 5, 2022
Scott Ritter
Russian President Vladimir Putin with then German Chancellor Angela Merkel on May 10, 2015, at the Kremlin. (Russian Government)
Recent comments by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel shed light on the duplicitous game played by Germany, France, Ukraine and the United States in the lead-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February.
While the so-called “collective west” (the U.S., NATO, the E.U. and the G7) continue to claim that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was an act of “unprovoked aggression,” the reality is far different: Russia had been duped into believing there was a diplomatic solution to the violence that had broken out in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine in the aftermath of the 2014 U.S.-backed Maidan coup in Kiev.
Instead, Ukraine and its Western partners were simply buying time until NATO could build a Ukrainian military capable of capturing the Donbass in its entirety, as well as evicting Russia from Crimea.
Scott is saying StrAngela was jest stringing dem crazie Rooskies like yours truly along, holding out the hope for piece, er, peace, in these Minsk accords, but it was like a shell game, without no pea, no peace… nothing to put in the shell to say was there, like a desire to avoid war. Twas all a ploy for time, to buildup arms and trenches. They had StrAngela’s personal goats out there in nUkraine, soon to be newKraine, out there clearing all the brush so them poor Russian Ukrainian brothers could dig their own trenches for 8 years that they could then get slaughtered in to satisfy the Arrogant West, i am so ashamed to live in this fascist state, in the same town as Nazie Pelosie, who helped fund this war with her drunk driving husband cheering her efforts, opening doors for her and holding coats if he wasn’t falling down…
i highly recommend the whole article, where all the words are spelled correctly and there are no red underlines, which i believe i am the only one who is gonna see anyway. Nazie Pelosie got red underlines. all my words are merely fiction and opinion, since i am not considered to be credible in the courts of lawfare.
But it makes me wonder, are we digging our own graves , too? Just a question.
Sticking with what i can access from my emails first, i got this too disturbing news from St Petersburg, that is bothering the hell out of me and frankly i can’t comment about it nor even type out these vile atrocities, but i can manage to cut and paste his relevant report, and state that obviously this is a crime against Womanity and shows the level of depravity, total and utter .
More observations on Russia today
gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized December 4, 2022 20 Minutes
In this installment I offer both an observation that may be characterized as totally relevant to the ongoing war and an observation that is timeless and relates to what Russian society and behavior is all about. What these have in common is that they are firsthand observations, based on what I see and hear from real people in St Petersburg during this visit.
The first item comes from a 20-minute chat with a fellow who has been one of my best sources of information on the war thanks to his personal relations with siloviki, meaning in this case military intelligence officers, that go back to his college days and to his initial service as an administrator in the penitentiary system.
As many readers are aware, my pied à terre is a one bedroom apartment in the outlying Petersburg borough of Pushkin, which in pre-Revolutionary times was known as Tsarskoye Selo, literally, the tsar’s hamlet. Just 200 meters from our apartment complex is the Catherine the Great summer palace and park, which is a major attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists.
This area today is also home to an important military school which has students from Africa and other developing world regions enrolled alongside native Russians. There is a training base for helicopter pilots nearby. And there is a military hospital of national importance. It is from the latter that today’s news comes.
My acquaintance tells me that the hospital is now filled with wounded Russian soldiers from the Ukraine campaign, and in particular with maimed POWs who were released by the Ukrainian authorities in prisoner exchanges. The hospitalized include a good many traumatized soldiers who were savagely castrated or otherwise disabled by their Ukrainian captors.
If publicized, these cases would be far more inflammatory in broad Russian society than the horrendous video which circulated in social media a week ago showing the brutal execution of a dozen disarmed Russian POWs by jubilant Ukrainian soldiers. Clearly, the Kremlin is holding this back, lest detailed knowledge of the Ukrainian brutality unleash violent emotions in the Russian public.
But the rest of his report talks about the opera i believe, so a bit more mundane. He says Russians love to party, sure, we are social creatures and we also love to dance, way more than fighting wars, i assure you. Although my Mom studied ballet in Russia before we came over, i don’t recall ever seeing her dance. Now that is no longer a possibility, with her passing almost three years, or is it four now? So long ago, a whole nother time before the Lockdowns crime.
Again i suggest to read the whole article, he speaks of Putin’s balancing act…
Next, i found this to be of interest,
the title tells you how benevolent our military is.
Separately, the State Duma of the Russian Federation reported that there was a meeting of experts of the parliamentary commission investigating the work of US biolabs on Ukrainian soil. The co-chairwoman of the commission, Irina Yarovaya, declared:
“It is clear how a system of pathogen control has been methodically implemented in Ukraine with the help of military doctors. The financing of anthrax laboratories has been confirmed and the nomenclature of personnel who participated in the training has been revealed”.
The MP said that there is every reason to believe that Ukrainian laboratories “can be used to prepare and carry out biological sabotage and acts of biological terrorism.” She added that within the framework of the 9th conference of the BTWC signatory states, the Russian government will make every effort to draw the attention of the world community to this dangerous threat, “which is much more serious than any kind of weapons of mass destruction.”
The Pentagon’s official activities in Ukraine, which the institution describes as prevention of public health threats, are just a front for illegal biological and military research.
the portion above is quoting the back half of the article sourced.
oh well, can’t buy a thrill…
C-19 injections are toxic by design. To sum up the findings in this document I can say, that in lay terms, instructing your cells to produce a toxic protein, and then attack those “antigens” with your own immune system simply instructs your body to destroy itself. Since the shots are extremely variable and sloppily produced, not everyone gets the “real deal” every time. Many, unfortunately, do, and then the destruction depends on how much and where in the body the lipid nanoparticle has delivered its toxic payload: is either rapid and complete - resulting largely in fatal blood clotting, heart attacks, strokes and sudden cardiac death, or a slower and more painful demise via cancer, organ failure or neurological disease.
This is from the above piece, which is discussing Dr. Carlton Brown’s document that you may access through her stack. Since her substack is newly going, i wanted to draw your attention to this most excellent team Sanity member. Even if i struggle with her name, Sasha (Alexandra ) Latypova welcomes your subscribe and interest.
i don’t know will i get to the other reposts, but since this one hit close to home, i draw your attention to former Reagan staff member, i forget was he an economist or janitor, but someone important, and i like his perspective which i often disagree with and nevertheless feel important to read,
The Loss of Human Control: Dystopia Is Upon Us
RoboCop Unleashed
Paul Craig Roberts • December 2, 2022 • 500 Words
That the government of San Francisco, America’s most liberal city, on November 29, 2022 by a vote of 8 to 3, authorized robots to have life or death authority over citizens indicates the extent to which Americans have been dehumanized. Perhaps this dehumanization is the consequence of many decades of Washington slaughtering people from Vietnam through Serbia, Afghanistan, the Middle East, North Africa to Ukraine. Having blown up villages, weddings, funerals, children’s soccer games, medical centers, farmers, and countless women and children, it is not a big step to siccing killer robots on citizens.
Another reason for this development is the likely payment of bribes to the San Francisco government by Artificial Intelligence corporations that want to develop a market for their AI products. Robots have an upfront cost, but unlike policemen do not have to be paid salaries and provided with health care and retirement pensions. Substituting robots for police officers will be hyped as a cost reduction measure. The fact that it is the final dehumanization will go unnoticed by people determined to line their own pockets.
Give the digital revolution a minute of thought. I have written that the digital revolution, which provides us contact with the world from wherever we are, is the worst disaster that has happened to humanity. The digital revolution has given governments spy and control powers over people far beyond the capabilities of Big Brother in George Orwell’s dystopia, 1984. Now we have a government empowering robots to kill humans who have not been arrested, indicted, tried, and convicted. That humans would convey such authority over themselves to robots begins the transformation of human life into conformity with dystopian science fiction novels and movies such as Terminator.
There is no reason to open this door. The San Francisco police do not need killer robots. There is nothing happening in San Francisco that is beyond the ability of the highly militarized SWAT teams to handle and subdue. It is not clear that San Francisco even needs SWAT teams. SWAT teams themselves and their lack of restraint mark a bad turning in policing. There were no SWAT teams until the later years of my adult life. Their main use has been to gratuitously break into homes, causing home damage, human injury and death, often of innocent people resulting from the SWAT team going to an incorrect address.
If the control of crime now requires SWAT teams, it speaks to the decline in the morality and discipline of the society. SWAT teams treat symptoms, not causes. Why has the morality and discipline of society diminished to the point that military force is needed in civilian policing?
In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the liberals. They have destroyed religious belief that constrained the evil in people. They have destroyed the responsibility of the individual, who can blame parents, racism, society for his or her bad behavior. It is the liberals who unleashed the Satanic elements that civilization had held in check. It is the liberals who are the destroyers of civilization.
And that is what the liberals have done.
This is reposted without permission from PCR, don’t tell him, but i do live in the city he mentions if the robot dogs don’t get me first…
that of Mr Paul Craig Roberts, and Unz in general, that i mostly disagree with and sometimes abhor but then they got these guys i don’t get elsewhere…
if you got this far, i am sorry for the awful video, but this is the city where i live, so don’t volunteer to be the experimental crash test dummy, what can i say.
I love you, i hope this was a positive post for you, if not, i’m sorry, what do you think?
Good take on contemporary affairs G.K.
As for the Minsk revelations, it is not conceivable that the Russian Government did not know the true purpose of that process as being to buy time and so arm and train the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU). It suited them, for the historical record, to act in accordance with formal arrangements while preparing for this SMO, intended to also attrit the EU and NATO and bring about their dissolution.
The Grand Strategy, for the US-NATO-UK to run a Proxy War against Russia, to bring down the Russian Government and seize resources, over the lives of the poor Ukrainians, has failed. The longest of the long Longshots, in truth their best shot - pitching the largest and most well trained armed forces in Europe, the AFU, against an allegedly inferior Russian Armed Forces is leading to the demilitarization of The Ukraine and so the complete opposite of stated objectives.
Judgment shall be by outcomes. Expect several hundred thousand AFU deaths.
These matters and others, G.K., examined from a contemporary, strategic standpoint.
But be warned. Long reads and abstruse prose. One will come out looking visibly older, perhaps even wiser although that is entirely speculative . . .
These things we work on work to undermine language. Glad we can publish despite those pesky red lines. I have the same issue with words like Corporatocracy. Something to be said for dogged determination. Keep those words flying.