Monday 11-21-22 Tidal shifts in motion
Reposts &... Reaching for Revolution, revelation, & reEvaluEation
Good day and good tidings to my readers, welcome to new subscribers, and a bit of tidying up from a comment a substacker was kind enough to post , that i can paste, sort of sequeway from yesterday, while i try to learn to remember her name. From Big E…
Are you speaking of Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova? She has been interviewed on many shows, including these on America Outloud:
* (with McCullough)
* (with McCullough)
Alexandra Latypova. Really not too hard to swing in Russian ling-O.
I always feel akwardly inept when my postings are dead links while others can get the live living things, and thanks a million to Big E for that, we help each other on team sanity, that’s what its all about, and the hokey pokey too.
Celia Farber invented team Sanity as a meme, in our waking dream.
and i wanted to link Dr Ana’s repost, tis a spiraling dance flashback…
now, about that fearporn scamdemic viruganda state of frazzled bedazzlement…
Rand Paul urges Biden to call off COVID national emergency immediately
' ... If (President Biden) will not terminate the national emergency himself, it falls to us, the people’s representatives in Congress, to act, and, in the wise words of the [Supreme Court], remind Biden that ‘there is no pandemic exception to the Constitution,’ the US senator said.
Mon Nov 21, 2022 - 6:29 pm EST
(LifeSiteNews) – Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky called for an immediate end of the COVID-19 emergency last week.
In an op-ed published Thursday by the Washington Examiner, Paul stressed the constitutional issues related to the COVID national emergency and highlighted previous actions taken by the federal government in the name of curtailing COVID-19.
“The Constitution is the guarantor of our liberties,” Paul wrote. “So it should come as no surprise that those who crave power to rule over their fellow man always seek to suspend the Constitution by declaring and perpetuating national emergencies.”
“Have we forgotten what emergency powers in the hands of the government look like,” Paul continued. “They look like lockdowns, where livelihoods and lives are destroyed. They look like a travel mask mandate; like robbing children of a full education; like the closure of places of worship; and like a vaccine mandate for those working for large companies. They look like an eviction moratorium in which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] claims the power to destroy contracts and effectively seize private property.”
In a 60 Minutes interview in September, President Joe Biden declared that the COVID-19 pandemic was “over.” The White House reacted by saying that the Biden administration would not change its COVID policy. The COVID national emergency was extended to January 2023 last month, and the extension was itself extended to April earlier this month.
“Even the president himself acknowledges what is plain to see for anyone willing to recognize what is in front of one’s face: We are learning to live with COVID and the vast majority of the public has moved on,” Paul commented.
“Yet Biden refuses to acknowledge the time for emergency measures has long since ended … If he will not terminate the national emergency himself, it falls to us, the people’s representatives in Congress, to act, and, in the wise words of the [Supreme Court], remind Biden that ‘there is no pandemic exception to the Constitution.’”
Last week, the Senate voted in favor of a resolution introduced by Republican Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas that would end the COVID national emergency. The resolution passed by a 62-36 vote. The White House, reacting to the vote, threatened that Biden would veto the measure. A similar measure was passed by the Senate in March with a 48-47 vote. Biden reacted to the measure by threatening to veto any Congressional resolution in favor of ending the COVID national emergency.
Government policies put in place to fight COVID-19, such as lockdowns and mask mandates, have been found to have either no impact or a negative impact on public health. COVID measures have also been subject to legal challenges over constitutionality questions.
Last year, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 majority decision that California’s forced closure of in-person religious services during COVID lockdowns was unconstitutional. The Thomas More Society also won two settlements against the state of California over policies that forced church closings.
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In January, the Court also ruled against the Biden administration’s jab mandate for businesses and upheld the administration’s mandate for health care workers.
Gh- KGRaS has to laugh about the hat, which is not the same word as asleep…in the pic, Hop now.
sorry about the sloppy poo pastey, i ain’t no computer geekazoid like some hater of all love and life Billy Goats we don’t wanna know…yucksters…
there may be four republican congressfolks not injected, and Rand is one of them.
I found another article in lifesite
if the subject matter interests you i’d recommend i guess its Patrick Delaney, i’ll give the link
again, an important read , more about our lovely Harmacide, the bioweapon comes home.
Also see my post yesterday, or better yet, all those actually live links, at the top.
I couldn’t have done it without the help of substack, three cheers.
so Now i want to talk about an interesting article, briefly, for those paying attention to the other war,
in Russia.
Key Reason for Russian Retreat from Kherson: To Prevent the Destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Dam
Posted by Internationalist 360° on November 21, 2022
Predictions of imminent collapse of Russian army are fanciful
The Western media have widely celebrated the retreat of Russian forces from the city of Kherson, presenting the Ukrainians as liberators of the city and the Russian retreat as an example of the weakness of the Russian army and its impending collapse.
However, the same media have a track record of biased and misleading coverage of the Ukraine war that leads one to question its veracity in all aspects of its reporting.
With regards to Kherson, the media has failed to acknowledge that the Russian retreat was a calculated one designed in part to save the Nova Kakhovka dam, which the Ukrainians had threatened to blow up in an act of state terrorism.

i found the writing to be strong in her piece.
i recommend to read the whole thing, although i only posted a segment.
now to bring a heartwarming ending, They famous smarter than us people say they need more weapons, else they won’t be able to end the war, unless we send them more weapons, and i believe they are asking for cookies and breast milk too.
More weapons for Ukraine needed before peace talks – NATO chief
The US-led military bloc wants an “acceptable political solution” to the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, Jens Stoltenberg says
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks during NATO Parliamentary Assembly annual session held in Madrid on November 21, 2022. OSCAR DEL POZO / AFP © AFP / Oscar Del Pozo
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia will likely end in negotiations, which is why Kiev needs to be supplied with more weapons, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has claimed.
“We all want this war to end,” Stoltenberg said in his speech at the 68th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Madrid on Monday, adding that it matters to the US-led military bloc how exactly the conflict concludes.
“We need to realize that this war most likely will end at some stage at the negotiating table. But we must also know that the outcome of those negotiations totally depends on strength on the battlefield,” the NATO chief argued.
“So, if we want an outcome, which is acceptable for Ukraine… the best way of achieving that is to provide military support for Ukraine,” he said.
NATO members “must be prepared to support Ukraine for the long haul,” Stoltenberg said, urging lawmakers to keep advocating for more aid for Kiev in their own countries.
READ MORE: ‘No indication’ that Russia plans to attack NATO – Stoltenberg
Stoltenberg acknowledged that this assistance “comes at a price” for NATO members. “In our countries, many face cost of living crisis. Energy and food bills are rising. These are tough times for many,” he pointed out.
However, the NATO chief argued that Western countries will have to pay “a much harsher price” if Russia is allowed to achieve victory in Ukraine, as it would signal to other “authoritarian regimes” that they can achieve their goals by force, which would “make the world more dangerous.”
Stoltenberg also warned that “it would be a great mistake to underestimate Russia” because Moscow “retains significant military capabilities and a high number of troops.”
High-ranking Russian officials have repeatedly said that Moscow is ready to negotiate a settlement with Ukraine, while accusing Kiev of being unwilling to talk, and deliberately putting forward unrealistic conditions for dialogue.
Russia has described the conflict in Ukraine as a “proxy war” being waged against it by the US and NATO. Moscow has consistently criticized weapons deliveries to Ukraine by Western countries, saying they only prolong the fighting and increase the risk of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO.
KGRaS, we oppose all violence and coercive propoganda. Did Jens get his injections or did he just pay for a fake vaxxport? What will be the next disCog event?
But then, this article was presented in a serious manner, after a brief interval from the prior sadness. Hard not to read it as a joke, though nothing funny about it, sad to report.
That same old line, been hearing for a long time, as soon as we get some more ammo, we can shoot this war to death. Bang Bang.
Scott Ritter has opined that all the munitions only prolong the war to delay the inevitable outcome, which is Russia will win, since Russia has to win.
Then i can stop feeling bad about what my country is doing to my homeland. Talk about torn. There are folks i adore and admire in substack that can’t deal with writing about this terrible issue, and tis impossible not to feel conflicted about, but that is why i always advocate to think for yourself , please.
yes please, dear world, because how can you not understand that more weapons means more peace?
Great writing, Grasshopper. Today's essay is a tour de force. I always scan Substack authors' scribblings intently when the Nova Kakhovka dam is mentioned. Of course, the Western media continues to imagine a world where Russians would murder their own soldiers by attacking a nuclear plant they control or drown their own citizens by blowing up the Kakhovka dam.
You've presented a very concise and balanced argument for ending the world's dominance by the CIA.
I appreciate the mention of Kentucky's senator Rand Paul. He has been my hero for many years and I still wonder why the alleged libertarian Koch brothers did not support his run for the White House in 2016. The world (and the USA) would be in much better shape today if he was president today.