Kiev attacks Chernobyl to prove illenskies is indeed a nuclear terrorist madman
Damage to sarcophagus blamed spinning and Russian music, not drone sent by UkroNam
Not happy to have to send out this dire news update rather than going back to sleep, but this belies the so-called peace talks, and supports the threats of the new vice Vance. Why he threaten?
Love the comments claiming this fake news. Twattsters….
Ria Novosti article, g oogle will translate to English if you get it in Russian
Below a link to video and damage shown at end of short clip
Now what is all that talk of peace?
Possibly after the removal of the nuclear terrorist regime the West installed, until the not sure how Russia can resume talks with in any faith even bad…..
Praying for peace
Tis Chernobyl all over again in UkroNam,now I can go back to sleep.
When the anti war movement gonna finish the bowel movement and take the street back from ScKamala?
Oh, nevermind, we unburdened of peace
... At this point I can only say that media reports are generally the opposite of my thoughts.
Have a good day my friend.