Joseph bidendiaper dismantles US dollar dominance, destroys NATO
ScKamala admits the evil Russians have fought Ukraine to the last shovel
The last shovel. In the foreground, the last shovel, fired from the folks seen below
A bit of shovel history from Andrei Martyanov
The shovel sniper
Here are some titles I wanted to use for tonights piece.
The shame of culture, culturing of shaming tech, what a shame - this after the Mercola interview of Celia Farber where she used the phrase
Culture of shaming….
What is the war really about?
Neoliberal conservative financial fraud or the value of real money.
Will he go to jail for Russia gate hoax?
Have you seen my little cocaine satchel I lost in the white house?
Spare a stray cruise missile? Please…
I found the first video in today's A Skeptic to be top notch
If you have time to watch or listen to the first Scott Ritter — the first video I found useful.
I wanted to discuss the difference twixt an economy of value rather than a financialization of the economy that has been thereforein robbed of all value, but they seem to have an unlimited ability to print more scAmerican dollars and further dilute the value of the deindustrialized wastelands…
I want to thank you for reading my scattered musings as they come back to mind. Thank you .
it don’t all fit neatly into the dialectical duality one finds formative, the either this or that, even when tis neither nor …
Okay, first of all, we’ve got on the one hand this homeless shantytown we call San Francisco, and the bay area generally, i see blocks of tents lining the sidewalks, the whole ability to have any existence, let alone a dollar to spend, seems in question, is this just me? are there encampments of folks without homes everywhere in America? RV’s are like the king or queen Charles of homeless folks, then there are the lower caste of lesser vehiculars, like station wagons or smaller vans, then the tents and cardboarders, on down to the dude with nothing sleeping next to his pack i saw in the Castro today, hope no one takes it while he snoozes, or she.
So what i’m trying to spit out it this thought, on the one hand, we got the decimated dollar declined, the financialization of the rent paying home of the free, free of the home, until there ain’t no way to pay , then so much for that.
On the other, we got this social ideal, that money is one of many measures , and indeed a measure of what matters ain’t necessarily the same as the money to get it, if it can even be bought…
So if you’re trying to buy off a nation to fight fellows next door that look an awful lot the same, to the last shovel, that may not give you what you paid for, or thought you had bought, Joe Biden. But some things, like one’s sovereignty, can’t even be bought. When cash was more prevalent, adjustments were broader. The disgrace of digital currency is , simply, that it makes it so much easier to steal.
I remember when i was younger, feeling ashamed of my mom. What gave me this feeling? How did i internalize the shame of the culture that was still new to me, against my own flesh and blood?
Well, i think that is what America teaches, to be honest, to be ashamed of , well, whatever it is. Your past, your present, the future. The shame of not being able to provide a better way for oneself, which is the dream, or was. Now all that remains is the shame. And it got monetized and became politically correct to be more “woke” and now shame is fully weaponized.
How does this relate to the American war against Russia, which has already seen the fall of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency
Well, used to be able to print and launder american dollars without limit nor duress, if one was in the position to do so, or knew someone who was… but now all that toilet paper has diluted its own value, as well as the use of such for warmongering and profit sharing instead of actually investing in a way for folks to be able to live in the world, with some means of gainful employment, which is now a precious blessing to be honoured, not merely a job…
I had a response to a comment i made, on a totally ? different note, that the Harmacide was going on in Russia too, as well as the English speaking world, which i have heard but sadly, without being able to read Russian, yet, hoping to eventually, but i have no real way to understand what is happening with the finer points of the scamdemic in Russia nor China, although i used to get an emailer update about the Phillipine resistance to big Harmacide needlerape.
I don’t think tis necessarily the fact of gold backing the currency, although something ought to be redeemable for those notes…that gives the value of the money. Dollars used to have, what they termed it, the full faith and credit of America, behind them. Just that we were, and i say were?, such a great nation, as long as we could steal from the rest of the world anyway, a good hegemon were we, or pretended to be…so of course our money was “good.” But now what can we back those dollars with? Fentanyl? the first amendment Joe Biden is opposing and appealing a judgement against (preliminary) which— the judge denied, so there is hope…
Russia is said to have always kept their side of the deal, and that is what makes the value good. But America is turning into someone that Putin doesn’t really want to do business with, and the same for the neverending insults against China the bidenwonder vomits, achieving similar results. Who will want to do business with us? For any amount of money? We don’t make anything , do we? Do we make anything the world needs? Arrogance? Yes, at least we grow pot., and we used to make music too.
shame and shaming are a quite successsful variation of the warped idea that Chistianity played on its believers: the shame of somehow being responsible for Jesus' crucifiction. in the course of time how many sermons were slung into the open, bellowing "it's your fault He died on the cross, you sinners!". so there's that. yet that's not where our humanity lies, but it got buried somehow. no gods, no slaves.
Thank you for all you do GK!