Happy Russia day 6-12-23
A week into the effensive, the suicidal slaughterhouse escalates war for Biden's re$election
Greetings to all my dear readers, welcome to my roughly weekly reflections (of late, after working all day, i feel lucky to manage that, when the muse compels me…).
I want to wish everyone a happy Russia day, from those in the Russian diaspora, to all those of Russian association. God bless Russia and her people, her language, and culture. I am proud to be Russian , and i am ashamed by the rampant Russophobia of many in the Arrogant West; as a citizen of the US of A, i apologize on behalf of all peace-loving people, which is most of us, for the continued provocations that incited a defensive response when the Russian offensive started, which isn’t really the same thing as an invasion, but then, weren’t the Beatles also famous for their invasion? Well, now the damm British invaded Russia with their stupid cats, the Leopards, and you know, hay hay we’re the monkeyes, people say we monkeye around, with these leopard tanks, but we’re too busy sinnin’, to put anybody down. Whoa, weird flashback, i didn’t know that was gonna kick in right then, let’s come back down now.
So i heard this Garland Nixon today, and i’m gonna start with that, as i heard it, if i understood, Garland’s thesis he finally gets around to in the last ten minutes, i believe, is that , well, Russia ought to drag her feet and keep the West enthralled with its stupid cat koshka fandangles and polka memes, because as long as Vicktie vaporizor Nuland is busy Blinken in former nUkraine, then Garland is saying that will keep the likelyhood of nuKelear war to a lower level than, say, if Russia wraps it up too fast, leaving scAmerica and the neo$cum free to attack China for that poor island called, The Republic of China, except most call it Taiwan. And Garland feels like if the West is still working Biden’s re$election bidness in NUkraine that can forestall the end of all life as we know it on the planet. Good. Go Russia. Similarly Scott Ritter has said Putin is doing a good job of not getting us all blown up, yet, i paraphrase.
I also heard today Larry Johnson with Judging Freedom , linked above, and like many others, Larry was saying there is no way uKRaine can win. Judge Napolitano asked if Biden can keep the war going long enough to win , or did i hallucinate that? Officials in the Russian government are starting to refer to it in computer code for error, 404. There is a strong sentiment in Russia against any sort of negotiation until a decisive outcome is achieved on the battlefield, is the general sense of what i’m calling the sort of mood of Russian people. Alternately stated, the facts on the ground will be the negotiated settlement, total unconditional surrender is what we of Russian sentiment are expecting, if i may be so bold as to say so.
News of late, rapidly stated, includes the blowing Khakovka dam by Ukraine, which then expected American humanitarian assistance, elenskies said, meaning a Western invasion. He of clown world thought he was calling the shots after Cleverly came by and had him torpedo that damm damm. but he can’t get those boots from the West blown up fast enough, he has to wait for the nato Hato meetings forthcoming and the piddling Polish contributions that Anderson F Rasmussen is pushing like dope , anything to keep the war going and let former UKraine finish itself off so then the West can grab the crumbs and claim fictory, Fictory from the bowels of defeat, like a smelly flatulation filled with death odor, the perfume of the collective West.
Then we have this small model airplane that was confiscated by Canada like a year ago, it held a bunch of Chinese covid test Cargo, we’re told, and that fascist turd Trudeau, a pretender to the throne of totalitarianism unlike the real deal freaky bidendiaperfascist, these Canadian folks decided to gift that plane to elenskies for former UKRaine, and knowing him, he probably made them Canadians fill it with cocaine before he was willing to let it land in his Ukraine.
If the plane, with cocaine, flies to the Ukraine, and finds elenskies brain, then who is to gain? From that cocaine plane…who is to gain, oh, the cocaine plane.
What else of note of late caught my earballs? So hard to keep up with all the insanity. Like, there was an ammonia pipeline blown up around the time of the damm, but one big news story is all the lamestream can handle in the ten second news cycle… so we don’t hear much about that…if at all.
And then the coordinated fires started in Canada, why would someone want to burn all them poor trees down? What did the trees ever do to the people who went killing them all? what is this about?
Oh, and then, the latest on the FD1023 form, that is a classified version of a mostly unclassified document about that no-class pretensodent taking bribes from Ukrainian oil-ligarchs, do i have that right? i hear there’s an insurance record, wonder if it will ever get any airplay? be the next top ten hit single on the billboard charts, with a bullet? I bribed Joe Biden so he would leave my Ukrainian oil company alone to do business, i didn’t even know they had any oil in ukraine, maybe i got that wrong? hard to know, as they don’t like to tell us when bidendiaper Joe commits war crimes and high misdemeanors, the most impeachable president yet is way more likely to trip over another sandbag than to be questioned by any authority for his cheatin ways and traitorous plays.
If only we had a man like Putin in charge of our country america, who actually cared about making shit better for folks, instead of bidendiaper shitting on folks as much as he can make a way to…
Well, that is my babble for the day, from the tower of toy kingdom clowns.
🤣🤣Tovarish! I often read your posts, but you nailed so many truths in this one that I may just copy and paste and save for posterity. This OAN investigative report may give some of your readers an understanding about 1023. It's long, but worth every minute: