Go forth, on the fourth, for fourth foray....
Since tomorrow is indeed the 4th day of the 4th month, a foray of sounds to carry you forthwards
Happy 4th of 4th day. A holiday I just made up in my own mind. I have no idea what at all it can possibly mean, but I am sure you do know exactly and will tell me. I beg you….
I saw this looming large last week
And I hope this brings good tidings, even if it was from skypainting, which the good state of Tennessee will hopefully outlaw….a rainbow over the bay areo, above.
That was snapped looking East from around Oakland…
Now let's get to the music and videos.
Let's see, the first video from the first ride thru Chinatown, just Grant street, not the real deal, jus the tourist first stop to get us started. I shall have to do at least one more for some of the other Chinatown streets…
Now for all the music the camera would record.
our warming up was Big Easy Song Above, which is not as easy as it looks… just saying…not from New Orleans…just saying…
next up, above , a jam on a song that isn’t written and never existed and is gone away forevermore and never had a name neither
we did two takes of MariGolds, the first i thought didn’t make it so i played it again, but actually…
it appears Take 1 is mostly there, from what i can gather and share…above, MariGolds T1
next we played the actually newest song, Officially entitled John Denver Biden, but …
i have taken to calling it Paper Airplane, above…
then we played Take 2 of MariGolds, above, which i thought was better, above, but the first one was also pretty good, to my own earballs…
the last one of the day, which was actually Monday the 1st of April, but i fooled myself into believing it was the forth. Anyway,
Streetcar cuts out, and here is what successfully recorded on the poor beat up easy to upload video camera device thingie…above
Thanks for your attention, I am so grateful to you, without you i would be entirely lost. Actually, i think i am generally lost, and hence i became a cab driver…now where was i going?
04-04-2024. 442024. 4424 - looks like a lazy phone number to me.
now I can't help it: this song's been in my head for several days, so what else is better than to share it. Bob Marley 'Thank you Lord' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9DDDj_JdMA
enjoy :-))
Ok who gave the licence out for that rainbow??? What is this outragious and flagrant use of beauty, darnit? Must be a matter of public record Grasshopper. It's doable. Find the culprit and smoke him out.