Fishy wishy: skypainting Sunday storms and The West brings more meat for to slaughter in newkraine, terror attack at Donetsk farmers' market 25 dead
Swimming insanity wins again
Greetings my dear readers, hope you are well. Thank you for reading.
Things are getting fishy wishy , you will have to turn the phone sideways…
First I bring a couple from moon of Alabama whom I admire.
From Sputnik above, and he also writes this for the MCM reposting
I especially like his take in the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape depopulation agenda and elitesies viruganda.
NATO nyet Hato launches meat for slaughter, only practice slaughter.
A phenomenal interview I highly recommend w Larry Johnson
In requiem for Gonzalo Lira piece from Sputnik above
Garland asks me to share this piece above with you, I want a full report as a comment, if you watch, and I found the take on zionismo fascismo nazismo to be illuminating.
Today Garland says Trump is less fascist than genocide Joe bidendiaper, the evil of two lessors.
What else ?
Dima at military summary channel reports the massing NATO Hato troops ready to enter West newkraine as a wargame, to get to the next level. Did they ask Russia about that? These smarty-pants think newkraine is next to Newark….
Lately , like last winter , seems like they figured we wasn't gonna be getting much rain by like November December they start roll out those aerospraypainterdronies.
They done paint the hell out the sky, sometimes enough to make rain. The straight lines they paint are unmistakable. Why don't they do like new Hampshire and pass some freaking laws to oppose this small thing of being poisoned?
Oh well, what can I do?
Nearly four years of scamdemic Harmacide agenda in action . The world feels more destroyed every day, I ignore the ever growing tents and trash heaps , I try to be nice to folks, if you ask me for a rolling paper I'll give you two.
This is sort of a political post, I'd rather stick to the piana playing, but I wanted to congratulate Vladimir Putin on the ice dip the other day, looks like , well, Mom, tell me again why did we leave Russia?
Tis a long walk home, I'll likely get lost along the way….
….will there be a piana I can play ?
Patrick Lancaster on judging freedom reports from donestk market
Central Texas skies looked like this day before yesterday. It's cold, dreary and rainy today. We've been watching these for a couple of years now. It seems to take 2-3 days after a good paint session to bring about significant weather changes locally.