I am writing to wish you health and well-being. How are you?
Apologies for not being able to do more music of late, or much at all. Job keeps me tied up in knots, latest is a check bounce d they d pay d me.
I notice nearly every word I type is corrected sic to another and different word. I am sure tis to make me feel afraid. To make me feel inadequate. To need to always be corrected, I must always be wrong. Sp e ll ch e ck is fascism., with a friendly face….to help me write bettwr , by correcting me wether i want or not. All I have is my mistakes.
Pic of day, hummingbird on back of car
I miss being able to play music.
I felt like that was at least something I can pretend I do before the scamdemic, which shut down the venues that promoted alcohol use. Has been months since I played at all but a song or two badly on piana.
…. …. …
Mom died around the solstice some six years back. I got a phone call. Drove cross country three times, first time they'd denied me entry. Drove back, and forth.
The scamdemic Harmacide hit around 3-2020, those first lockdowns as I recall.
Had you been put in jail as had I, you know that jail is a lockdown. Lockdown is a jail term. Let me spell it out. When you go to jail and ask why?….they say, this is jail kiddo. Jail is where ScKamala put ya. When London Greed said lockdown I knew …this is jail. Lockdown is a jail term.
The scamdemic Harmacide declared we are dangerous breathers. In the interest of public health and safety we must shut down Grasshopper taxicab because he said To impeach is Patriotic. So put yer mask on and obey. Those signs said obey, posted before the lockdown.
Mom died. My city had already long been a jail to me. Nazeee peloseee lives here. This is jail . With the scamdemic Harmacide the city died. They told us all this is jail. Except for mister Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom who eats at the French laundry. Without a mask. Fancy that.
Fascism with a freaky face and greasy hair, which helps keep his hands slick.
The scamdemic failed because Russia put out Sputnik vaxxx thing and London had to ok it, says Alex Krainer. Blew their plans to hell, to require digital pass. Vaxxxxxports. Separate the injexted from the untouchable cast. But the bioweapon shed far and fast…plan was to leave Russia an empty place devoid of opposition. Folks., they ought to have spoken to me first about the Russian character. Somehow they did not.
So they failed their dammm Harmacide scamdemic. What else to do but ….oh, I know. America said, let's provoke a war against Russia. Which will piss people off and they will overthrow my dad Vlad.
Now these dammm fools might actually be forced to declare peace, if Russia will allow it, we shall see, world war three.
Putin says 600 million more people ought to be in Russia, I am thinking moreso lately that I can help, perhaps?
I recall reading of one record breaking Russian couple that had like 69 kids a few decades back, some of them twins. Well maybe thirteen. Before birth control.
We need more Russian people, I agree. What a tragedy that is hardly fathomable, but now I see why Russia calls me, to go home and bring lots of children into the world, if there is to be one. Womanity is required to reproduce ourselves, but the good news is, at least Trump is restoring the two genders that used to be, not sure what those of the other genders , the gender benders, will do but Gavin promises to protect you from Donald. He gave Trump's son his ex wifeeee Kimfoyle, so we are all safe now from genital mutilation, unless you live in killafornia, in which case watch out for Gavin and his axe….
They want to end the war and bring you bird flew. Some demoRats seem to have taken over the asylum. One flew into the hummingbird's nest…
KG, I see, feel the scam from just up here, the take that took the air, the clear. I tire of their idiot feer, chasing us with spellcheck, lifecheck, kill joys that leer, these perverters of queer; we hold these werds to be self evident, they crush these truths to quiet an elephant.
I remember seeing pictures of Nazeee Peloseee having her hair done in the saloon without a face diaper on at the time. Rules for thee...