i got the call in the 9 o ‘clock hour… “This is the San Francisco Health Plan,” she said on the other end. i was already worried. She said, “we’re calling to see about if you wanted to schedule an appointment , or have you been vaccinated already, do you need a booster? Or are you refusing? we’re trying to find out…” is something like what she spoke, i paraphrase here, not exact quotes…
Although i was barely awake, i was truly terrified. i saw my life flash before my mind’s eye, thinking, …
Will this be the end of my work? is it even work related? How did these folks get my phone number? Are they really who they say they are? She spoke English with an accent, so probably at least in Killafornia, she’s calling from, i forgot to ask…Do they know i am not going to take this goddamm hacksxxxxine ? who told them? i mean, i thought the viruganda was letting up and they’d just ruled the masking mandate illegal , again, how many times allready…but these folks were clearly on the attack, i had to assume, especially the part about …Am i refusing? I don’t have any idea with whom i’m speaking …at all, and… let me talk about this San Francisco Health Plan now for a moment.
San Francisco has never even pretended to care at all about my health. When i told them i am vegan in jail, what they did? put me into the rubber room? These folks ain’t never cared the slightest for my well being, period. i been on this SF HEALTH plan for a minute, never used it at all, due to , well, these same people have already scared the hell outta me, anyone calling themselves a health professional, if not prior, then certainly so in the last couple years locked down and out….rather hard to pretend to care, ain’t it? She didn’t say, hay G, how you feeling? Good morning? or did i miss that? sorry to wake you up and harass you with our coercive viruganda to get you needleraped? Nope, i musta missed that iteration.
Shoot, if they didn’t charge me money for not having health care , to the tune of $600- penalty on the taxes to the Man, man, i wouldn’t take none a them crappy coercive unhealthy Health Plan that is NO care. Not care, how does one say it, health careless?
I declined to make an appointment. She said okay, and i knew in my heart that she must suspect something seriously not right about her work, but i ain’t gonna be the one to clue her in the another Narrative, i guess someone gonna do that job of scheduling the needlerape clot shots, logging the willfully refuseniks, etc. It was all so sloppy, she didn’t even know that the person she called had answered the phone and not another, it was as arbitrary and revealing as any everything else we’ve endured for two years plus , although now they got that S…election coming, so they gonna drop a few pieces of fascism down a degree, while they keep injecting the hacksxxxxine from Big Harma.
The big harmaceuticals will be forced to shut it down, eventually, but meanwhile they keep up their stock options and capitalize on our death and war and compliance.
Fascism is knocking on the door, and there is no where to run. But that doesn’t mean we should open the door, does it?
You know Pfoland sent Pfizer go pfick themselves with their vaccines? Isn’t it beautiful? The crooks getting the taste of their own medicine, somehow they don’t enjoy it. Who would have predicted?
It’s Health Scare, Grasshopper. And yes, have fun by pulling their leg and going out of your way to book the 5th jab - say you already had 4 and they worked miracles - you were sick with Covid 3 times in a rapid succession, and had you not taken the 4 jabs, you’d be toast and done in for sure. It wouldn’t be your fault missing the booked appointment - another sucker will be more than happy to snatch it from you. Make them work up some sweat while they are at it.