Better to start with text. How many words can I type till spell check corrects me? Twice that last sentence.
Often it fixes a perceived mistake that was NOT wrong , but then is.
Somewhere I have one about the mirrorverse or the mirrorreverse, not sure if that one above is it., likely not.
That studio is closed now long ago gone except for the cryin in front of Europe and all…
Do you think they be making peace or gearing up for bigger wars?
Should I declare myself a Republican?
The demoRats ought to be outlawed as an influence racket beat over our dammm heads….
Thanks for indulging my mirror
imagines looking back at ya smiling
Another one that ain't a subliminal plug for Jesus, just a random photo op
I think Martyanov on the Anya eyes channel is correct, saying Russia gonna make peace because it has the military power to do so and ensure we have some peace , love, and more sanity , because we ain’t got no choice in the matter, and prospects are positive. Russia is busy making peace in Ukraine, looks good. If we can just get past the spellcheckmate…
I saw a bumper sticker today….
How am I driving?
How does an engine even work?
What could cause God to make us go thru such agony?
Or some such sentiment….
And that's our show
I had morgellons. It was painful and scary. Ungodly. Love the photos!
I wouldn't confuse that our current agonies have anything to do with some God.
Completely man made, sadly. Who needs devils when you have D A R P A etc.