Julian Assange, what? 11 years in jail, solitary, torture and terror.
some history above. I want to mention after this next link, which i only scanned, from Mrs. and Mom Assange, that luckily she is a lawyer…
i don’t much care for consortium, not just since they always land in spam, but because, well, it seems so limited. But this link is Stella herself by starlight…
that same issue of Consortium has more about Priti, who ain’t too pretty. shucks.
I’ll have one more link after a brief comment. I don’t recall mention in these articles, it bears repeating, if you haven’t seen the Collateral Damage videos, if they are still posted? these are the ones where you can literally watch war crimes committed live on the Price is Right Gong Show game, from the airplane helicopter perspective. This is Julian’s crime. He shows us what the killers saw, and said (like they’d won in their video game) and how the crimes of humanity, crimes against Womanity we all now occur are carried out nonchalantly.
Julian gave us the espionage, which used to be called journalism. But by calling it spying, especially when the truth is denied normally, it makes it seem to be the dangerous thing. The journalism. Julian got turned into the terrorist, which the killers have been commended for, and certainly never charged. Let’s ask scKamala if she can charge herself for murder, Or , say, Nazie Pelosi with a war crime, or, for that matter, every Democratic party person using our democracy as a weapon of murderous war. Kill me now.
They will keep the torture and terror on Julian, as we shiver in the shadows of such grievous injustice for which we are all ashamed.
~ ~ ~ ~
i call them Ropeworms, now they are being called
Amyloid plagues, and interestingly, the author Love mentions the relation to the umbilical cord, which had occurred to me , as well as , the tail of an animal, in terms of how these Ropeworms might feel.
Again, the highly unscientific word Ropeworms is my original conceptualized verbalization , to describe these abnormal Blood Clots in both veins and arteries and , well, however bad you may imagine these things are, they are worse.
Both important!
Grasshopper, the silk fibroids especially & metallic threads look a lot like the crap my body was excreting when my morgellons was bad. At that time, I hadn’t detoxed from the 8 prescriptions I was on for a few years ( many years of various antidepressants). And somehow tied to the disgusting chem trails everywhere all the time when I lived in upstate New York.
Anyway, I know there are similarities we hopefully will be privy to soon if ever.
God bless Julian Assange and his family.
Thanks for telling us about Julian Assange. There is a lot here we don’t yet know about. Love your music nice and breezy - and polyphonic! nice one! (Please check the sound levels on your console, the levels are a a little high and registering in the red).