Tis in Russian , but I read it in English, Google will do that for you…
About the end of scAmerican statehood for Ukraine, they , er
we be busy with real bigger war crimes killing the truly helpless in Palestine.
I am antisemitic. so I don't call it is ra Hell. Now you know . I am a self hating Jew, there it is.
The overpass of 280 South at Mission reads,
How many children does is ra hell need to kill, ?
as I recall
They want to clear out a ben gurion canal via.
They want to erase Gaza and then screw Egyptians outta their suez canal by supplanting it with their BG.
Yikes .
We ain't got no government, we get bidendiaper stinking up his litter box, eyes screwed up looking for the dope that keeps him standing, barely….
LOL, Zelensky playing the comedian ("we will surrender if...."). I wonder how long he had to practice saying that. Biden speaking about the Indo-Pacific at an Asia-Pacific summit is sort-of funny too.
I’m in Florida. The few , very few 501c3 churches that didn’t cave for lockdown , they’re “standing for Israel” & overlooking the elite war monger factor . ( I never fit in at organized -religion -church but I thought I had a chance in Florida, so many churches!)
& The last time we had a bunch of $ unaccounted for, 9.11 happened. Right now there’s a few trillion unaccounted for...