East Bay Times article claims El nino is making pelicans starve
It says bigger waves make it hard for them to fish...
Hello. I read the print version of this article which I have to say was far more gratifying, who knew they still had newspapers? It was abandoned and even fresh today print….
Sadly , the eversion has ads and nonsense. Yes, my word for the day. Eversion. That means the electronic nonprint newspaper. Which is nothing like a newspaper, barely adequate for any news at all, fine for pictures.
If you want to , buy me a kofi linkskie…
Thank you friends.
The article did not say the rampant massive skypainting was having any effect . Of course not.
From a day or two ago. Today driving all around the dammm bay I saw I wanna guess like thirteen different droneohplanes askypaintin’. With my own eyeballs, often concurrent streaks and crosses from multiple aeroskypainters.
I may have been wrong about Tashkent being in Tajikistan, it may be in Uzbekistan, I gots my stans all skewed I am afraid. My geography fails me. I don't even know where Afghanistan is onn a map but Putin is doing a great job of trolling John Denver Biden, making their government, the Taliban, a legit for military service in Ukraine, sure, why not , word is, get some practice back on the West, sharpen them military skills. Of coursekies, the Taliban will be fighting on behalf of Russia, which is so weak it too needs a proxy army, to help those poor slavs.
Actually, Russia is unconquerable, although some of those in Ukraine may deny they are Russians.
Is Joe bidendiaper gonna start world war Three, will Blinken himselfes bring his dangerous guitar to the front lines? To scare off the Taliban from helping the Russians, upon pain of endless Neil Young songs?
And how will that help the pelicans who that article in print says have been around for like 40 million years….
This concludes our daily dally…praying for the pelicans and all of Womanity….pass the anchovies please….
the other day in the run-up to next week's European elections I had to do a 2hr training for polling station staff member (via my trusted, not quite rusted desktop 'puter): Elearning.
El Niño recently mentioned in another context too, not in the context of the pelicans but as a useful tool for non-explaining other natural occurrences, as in: framing recent temperature extremes as clear evidence of anthropogenic climate change - https://dailysceptic.org/2024/05/30/hypocrisy-thy-name-is-ulf-buntgen/
I can't tell you how long it's been since I've seen a Bee! I've seen dead birds. Even the weeds in my yard are dying... My grass is not impressive. I to see the sky painting and I can't believe REAL scientists and meteorologists don't even mention it. Only an idiot doesn't think about it.
I watch MSM morning news to monitor all the deep shit. On NBC they pan the audience and the people all look sick to me. Then, I thought, maybe they are using some kind of filter so the hosts will look better than the audience... (The hosts look sick too)...
So, to your worst question... I think WWIII has already begun. I hope I'm wrong but it seems to me that everything the US is doing just promotes escalation of hostilities everywhere.
Hope I'm wrong and birds and bees everywhere live long and prosper. Be at peace.