Depleted Uranium , Hegemony, & Uber
Holier than who? Better than, again? 3-27-2023 thoughts & reposts
hello to all my dear readers and listeners, thanks for tuning in to KGRaS, that’s Grasshopper Radio Service, coming to you through the static and noise for serious consideration of the various situations. We hope this moment finds you well of being and in good health and sound mind. We, that includes me, Felini, and the rest of the known universe, and parts of the seldom spoken twilight zones, we wish you blessings and beauty.
First i want to speak about this concept of Uber, the digitalization of existence, and the loss of currency. You know, my bank card was not getting me access to an account tonight, i wanted to check the balance to know i can pay rent. I think this is just an error. But it got me thinking… what if the digital imposition just fails, and the money is turned off, tis easy to see this occur even if in error, but how folks gonna eat, pay the man, the landlord, the dope dealer, the prostitute, the farmer at the market?
The concept of Uber is about the same as the CONcept of digitalized cash. They want this so badly, to digitalize it all, so they can steal it. Who? why , Napster , of course, who else. He and my friend Vladimir Putin wish to steal all the music in the universe, and they really want those American dollars for toilet paper, which we sanctioned them from having. That sanctions shit seems to have backfired, like a cartoon cannon. But again, the digital money thing makes it easier to steal. And if you can’t get a ride without being recorded and tracked and traced, this is quite a lot like the recording of your monetary transactions, plus your destinations and maybe those of your friends you purchased those rides for … the anonymity of cash is what makes much of life as we used to know it possible, and a lot of that seems to have disappeared. Now, i may be wrong, but it seems like having gotten rid of much of the coinage, and the cash, they be going after the very banks, get those gone, and then i guess the food stamps after that. i must just be trippin’.
i am sad to report that both the folks you see have both abandoned me, oh well.
song is Hegemon, i don’t really have a good record of it, sorry, or not easily found…
Don’t mean nothing… depleted uranium
Don’t mean nothing…black water in the sun, …all you have is your heart.
….Please learn the song and maybe next time we can get thru it without having to interrupt and ruin the crappy record, oh well. God bless the heart and soul of Carol Pickering, who got me a standup bass to finger when i told her i wanted to play that tiny fiddle violin, good thing she saved me. Here’s another of the same song with a different band , before the freaking masks and scamdemic and heartbreak
You can hear why i sort of gave up on playing with more than one musician, ha ha, at a time, no but seriously, i just can’t afford them both, and they abandoned me too, or they told me i was playing incorrect renditions of my own damm songs and needed to go back home and study my funk. I know, i am just a failure and a loser and all you have is your heart, where is mine?
Finally, since i want to sell this Rhodes, i’ll post this version, contact me with your phone number if you got a way to buy her, thanks
The safety cone you see is like my cat’s favourite toy, he just loves playing soccer with ‘m .
Now back to our unregularly scheduled programma
So let’s talk about depleted uranium.
This stuff is what they used to destroy Fallujah, in the war we never waged against’ Iraq, which we didn’t invade, after we didn’t do that inside job knocking down a few tall buildings in downtown Manhattan. Luckily they fell straight down, since if we’d knocked them over that would really have been a big mess. But instead we just made everyone breathe all their dust in, which we said was safe. We’ve since learned what was in the dust, fragments of the buildings and the bodies incinerated within. Bone fragments flung hundreds of feet onto nearby rooftops, tiny shards of the recently living, pulverized into dust, inhaled by those who dwelled nearby.
But we’ve known about and used depleted uranium since ole former Yugoslavia. They used to have a car named the Yugo, it didn’t last too long, it was sort of a running joke. Ha ha.
I haven’t seen one of these in a long time, and i never saw one like this, the ones i saw were all dented and beat up, not sure why…
Maybe we can collect all the Yugo’s that have been abandoned and junked and salvage them from the auto salvage yards and car crushing compactors and send them off to the former uKraine, now Little Russia. I doubt Putin would drive one, but i think the youngsters under 12 years old might fit inside, and maybe elenskie’s golf clubs or some of that gold he is busy stealing from the Orthodox churches in Ukraine, he’s not gonna fit it all in to his pockets at one time. Maybe he can ask the recently killed to carry it in their clothes and caskets.
Did i digress again? Geez, i am gonna be typin all night at this rate.
Let’s get to these reposts, at least the ones about the damm Depleted Uranium. i know we all hear that Putin is bringin the deployment of those nice nuclear weapons peacekeepers to Belarus so as to obviate the need for another US coup, there there. But this both is and ain’t a response to the issuance of them damm DU rounds. Alex Christoforou suggests that the announcement of a future deployment means tis likely already occurred.
i like The Duran commentaries, both him and the other Alex, Alexander Mercouris, who is longer winded, these folks are out there telling truth, a rarity.
Now above is a Kurt Nimmo piece of writing about DU, he basically understands this is a low level nuclear weapon. Like a matchstick toothpick bomb.
i know many of my reposts are old news, and frankly, after they sit around a while unreposted, i abandon them, thinking no one cares anymore. But some still seem pertinent notwithstanding the pesky passage of time. What are your thoughts?
Has anyone seen the actual rules of the rules based order? i understand this is like, one rule for thee, but whatever for me, sort of rules, am i wrong? it seems like Rules-based, that is just more Lawfare, how can that be?
from the post link above, here is a quote paragraph…
Although these are not “nuclear weapons” they could be classed as extremely “dirty weapons” which produce a uranium dust, poisoning not only those attacked by them (Russian tanks and military vehicles) but also civilians in the vicinity and the land itself (long after the end of the conflict). As Dr Rudolf Haensel reports: “Due to the long degradation process of radioactivity and toxicity, waste from the uranium and nuclear industries – mainly DU from isotope 238 – are stored in secure landfills for a very long time. To reduce the high cost, DU is therefore gladly given free of charge to interested parties such as the military.”
[… Notice how , i find, when something is free, you may not want it. Like those goddammm scamdemic Harmacide shots . But if the shedding is the thing we hear it is, we got them damm secondhand dealings anyway, now we’ll have to heal from that…]
A frequently cited epidemiological study titled Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009 involved a door-to-door survey of more than 700 Fallujah households.
The research team interviewed Fallujans about abnormally high rates of cancer and birth defects. One of the authors of the study, Chemist Chris Busby, said that the Fallujah health crisis represented “the highest rate of genetic damage in any population ever studied”
No half informed, half sentient democratic politician in the “Mother of Parliaments” would in the light of the above information supply depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine but then such British people are not stoking the war in Ukraine – hysterical madmen are.
and the conclusion of the Rodney Atkinson piece above…which is worth reading in full
Now i found this piece interesting…
and i can’t help but wonder, do folks have any idea that the things we do around the world to others , even if tis our government, are also being imported upon our own damm selves after the export of the same terror?
Is it really that important to be the world’s Hegemon? i think it is a bad idea. Can’t the CIA find something else to do, like help people cross the street and maybe feed hot soup to those of us starving, preferably something vegan?… I know they be killing the crossing guards now, so there is still plenty of danger in helping the young and old across those dangerous intersections…
i know it’s easy to forget about Pakistan, in light of France, Germany , and Israel protests, but let’s go to Pakistan and play golf with Imran Khan for a round, or is that cricket he plays? how did they make that a sporting event? i thought crickets are the cousins of Grasshoppers, when did they become sporting heroes and prime ministers?
With staunch US support, Pakistan’s unelected “imported government” is trying to arrest former Prime Minister Imran Khan, the most popular politician in the country, to prevent him from running in elections. But protesters are protecting him.
“There is great chaos under heaven; [hence] the situation is excellent.”
-Mao Zadong
Oh, i found this nice piece from China, which is far away , further than Russia, but somehow Washington thinks Rhode Island is now Taiwan…or rather, Taiwan is Rhode Island, and is it even an island, are there Rhodes on it?
and i wanted to give this nice picture at the head of the piece, above. sometimes the picture is the fastest read, and i think of Anne Gibbons and repost the above for her, if she is reading, give a holler…i mean, if that’s you reading now, what is your thought? thank you…
i thought the above piece was useful, and also from the same folks, the piece
that cites the 2015 smoking gun, as i call it, where they deny that they’re doing the gain of function that they practice, blaming it on my bad piana instead.
also wanted to give, above , the fabulous Toby Rogers piece, and let’s just jump back to Pakistan with the evidence of our own lyin eyes.
Andrew Korybko , above, posted the piece i got the picture from…
which i cite. Andrew has many posts about Pakistan, and world affairs generally, which have an insightful perspective.
Well, i’m running outta room so we’ll call it a night. Good day. Hello, thank you.
You cover a lot of otherwise uncovered perspectives Grasshopper.
Of course I should have investigated DU myself. But laundry (socks not money) prevent me from doing a good job on much.
Hey, didn't we elect people to do a good job on such, so as we could get on with earning a living and caring for our families. Ha ha.
so is your Rhodes from Rhode (island)? and yes, The Duran is good. TQ for all the work you do.