Work gave me a check. They said their bank would honour it despite the fraud, put it in the bank.
Check bounced like a rubber biscuit
Work said only me… Not the 166 other drivers, had their bank freak out. Close my account . She said I am going to close your account . They had it frozen and stopped honouring my financial needs, forced me to close the account , and open another elsewhere. Not to complain, but that is why I turned off the paid subscribes which I didn't have anyway. I'd never felt comfy w that…but thanks especially to my piana patron I have moved half my pianas and hope to play again, one day when they stop with the million pin pricks….
Flower of the day
They say some American. Gonna buy the nord stream. You blow it , you buy it cheappie. This proves America owns Germany.
Wonder what they will do with it? Send hopes and prayers ?
I wrote a long complaint about the woman who said Sic, I am closing your account. Sic. I sent it to the bank, saying she ought to be charged w a crime.
America seems to think it can tell people in fUkraine not to speak Russian, and pray to the dollar, not God. Weirdo wonderland, Santa Klaus is coming to the twilight zone but got hit by shrapnel from the anti drone brigade, his reindeer were shot down and eaten by hungry birds, turkeys, vultures, and demoRats named ScKamala Harris. She said oh I got dwunk too early when I shot down Santa's sleigh, haw haw haw…
It would be good to know the name of the bank, give them the press they deserve. Banks seem to be a blood suckers dream.
this bank sucks :-(( some inspiration on a murky december evening: impression of Russia's modern infrastructure in a video of Archangelsk being rebuilt (HT Andrei Martyanov's Blog). yes, it's very slick, but criky, it looks very beautiful too -