If you found yourself and your eyeballs here, and started reading this at all, then you already sort of know what and why i am writing this. Prememory. Deja view. We are working to figure out how to contemplate the Ghost in the broken Machine, the Soul of Noah hariri who has a first name too. his name is your name too, why i can’t remember it, ?No, ah.
We are all in it together. We breathe the same air. We didn’t all get the hacksxxxxine, but , oh they’re gonna start giving it to kids, babies, infants, preborns. Tis a depopulation agenda, you’re invited, bring your own viruganda.
How do we even think about the reality of deDollarization? i just mean, personally , being broke , now. i told the guy who won’t take my phone number so is a liar when he says he wishes he had work, how could he offer it to me? He does have work, but not ….. for me. His name is No, ah.
Russia has work, destroying 404 Ukraine. Lest American Hato, the US of ARRogance harbour any delusions, 404 America can be destroyed too. but not necessarily by Russia. by suicide seems to be the common sentiment, elation. we don’t need your stinking depopulation, we will do it to ourselves without a needle , without a neutron bomb. We will do it with our own Fentanyl and tin foil, ha. Oh well, i used to think it was a nice town, long ago. until it wasn’t anymore. Now i’m ascared to hang around, but i don’t mean to get personal. Spare a hundred dollars? will barely fill my gas tank, please.
What is the logic of : the depopulation of the folks who are the slaves/robots? i know, the elites think we’ll be human batteries and somehow Womanity will survive. But that is so, well, stupid and short sighted. That seems to be the goal of digitialization of all life, i.e., to be able to kill it. Good God. Good Goddess Dear Lord Almighty, they don’t even think we’re worthy of our own thoughts and feelings, let alone lives. Crimestop. just stop existing, turn you off. Ah…. NO.
my perspective: please leave your thoughts and hopes in the comments, please give me any thing i can hang my hat upon, a clarity of Spirit, por favour.
some nice dates of disCogs, approximated, summarized, just the top few, add yours in the comments please.
#1 PredisCog
9-11-2001 free fall collapse of three buildings, wtc 1, 2, & 7. For those in s f , i liken the wtc7 collapse , which no airplane hit, to be comparable to , say , 555 cal were it to just fall neatly down. 20 minutes after the BBC said it already had. Good God. that wtc7 was emptied of occupants, but not 1 nor 2, which were literally pulverized into an instant mass grave that dusted the area. Angel dust.
{2015 - Gain of function paper that claims no gain of function, hmmm}
3-11-2020 Event 201 goes live, which had been the military war game prior.
This is disCog 1. IsoLa. Lockdowns, destruction of medium and eventually small businesses. Masks. bunch of new billionaires. ANTI-Social Distance, 6 feet , depth of a grave. Mass submission to masks, fear porn, and solitary isolation. LEARNED HELPLESSNESS instigated upon the general population of many countries, which has devastating emotional effects , from which no one is immune.
2-16-2022 disCoG 2. The US of Arrogance & HATO antagonize Russia into a war, then cancel Russian culture and economy. Backfires, but might lead to bigger war, was that the whole purpose.?
disCog 3, impending monkey pox false flag etcetera, bigger war, manufacturing food shortages , more bioweapons, (coincidentally, a reported UFO sighting in Sputnik (is it real?) over Michigan?)
what should the date of disCog 3 be? 6-3-2022?
are the major disCog events getting closer together? i only listed the big ones i’m sure there may be some that fooled me.
how will we ever survive if , as it seems, these elite creeps are determined with the Big Harmaceutical Cabal to render life moot?
then, what worries me most, honestly, is that , thank Goddess, and there is hope for Womanity, as long as Russia wins the war. Of course Russia HAS to win the war. Now the US hasn’t ever won a war i can recall, maybe i’m too young, maybe the civil war? can’t recall. The US has to lose this one. but where does that leave folks, both in the belly of the belligerent former empire of Arrogance, and those who were able to find another land or another way, i’ve never seen that the US has been a gracious loser. i am feeling a big pit in my stomache when i contemplate the reality we must countenance.
please tell me what do you feel? what did i miss? how are you doing?
Here’s a giant disCOG 2016 CDC opioid prescribing guidelines jumped on by DEA to add chronic intractable pain patients (elderly,disabled,Veterans,people with all kinds of chronic health problems take your pick)…add us to their hit list of enemies.Doctors prescribing opioids lawfully,appropriately,and legally put into prison, so doctors have abandoned their patients . CDC recommends they tell patients to take Tylenol which long term and/or in doses above 2000 milligrams daily (4 tablets of the 500 mg type) will destroy kidneys and Ibuprofen,Aleve etc. destroy liver and stomach lining …also to try mental imagery,acupuncture etc. Be strong,just say no! This lie or at best misapplication of CDC papers has been resulting in mass suffering of non addicts who have real and documented causes of severe chronic pain= many suicides of elderly and veterans, and others not able to live with unbearable pain.It’s also caused pain patients who were able to function well in society while taking prescribed opioids to become disabled by pain.That’s a huge and tragic loss in social and family lives and also an economic burden when tax dollars are lost along with costs of putting us on SSDI and Medicare etc.- and cost of ambulance rides and emergency room visits for uncontrolled excruciating pain.
There have been more overdose deaths since CDC scared doctors into abandoning pain patients because they often turn to street drugs like fentanyl and heroin and don’t know what they are getting.It’s all a huge mess and has created a new subclass of human beings-pain patients treated like pariahs , verbally abused by medical secretarys and pharmacy clerks and medical staff.But everybody shouts out the govt narrative about the opioid crisis without understanding the truth of it. Pain is not a crime. I really believe this all is one part of the WEF/Davos people’s plan to kill off the population.Diabolical.Do you suppose that Gates,Musk,Bezos,Biden,Trump etc etc take Tylenol and do mental imagery if they have chronic pain conditions ?
So as to how I am doing -I mostly live now in bed with ice packs on my abdomen and neck.Pain24/7…unable to play with grandchildren or walk in my yard. Often have prayed for death rather than keep living like this. 73 years old with Lyme,Fibromyalgia,Sjogren,severe spinal stenosis , scoliosis,peripheral neuropathy,migraines,pancreatitis,oh yes don’t forget PTSD and on a forced taper off my anxiety medication with no other RX that works for it. Another result of CDC interfering in doctor-patient relationships.Btw I don’t drink alcohol or smoke and I eat fairly healthily but shit happens.
But thanks for asking and I’m not being sarcastic.Thanks.
Thank you for your kindness! I wish kindness were an attribute of the current medical/world system unfolding, but I find it’s not valued much these days. Really appreciate it when I find it and I have faith it will never be completely extinguished! Take care.