Dear Reader,
i thought to call this the Kalinigrad missile crisis, to evoke the 1962? event where Russia invaded Rhode Island and held the state hostage until Nixon passed the Environmental Protection Act. Okay, busted, fake news.
We gots the EU , Ms. Vaan der Liar (puke) stating, well , not her per se, but someone spoke to someone , who told someone, to block off the rail transit thru Lithuania to Kaliningrad. 50 % of goods by rail blocked from travelling from, well, Russia to Russia. What gave this idea to that pesky state in betwixt. ? This is a violation of treaties, but then, gauging the Native American Indian treaties as a guide, them ain’t`s worth - not the paper they writ upon, them treaties are just , well, hold them over until we ready to wreck ‘em sort of lies.
The Minsk accords, per Poroshenko perhaps, via SR, were just used to stall while the Nukrainian army built them damm trenches and tied people to poles. Street poles, not the nation… The treaty was a stall tactic to prepare time for war arrangements. Logistics. Treaties…
Well, Russia is calling this beyond serious, rightly so…and is going to figure out how to respond. They are going to think about how they wish to act . After they consider the consequences. Can we take a lesson there?
We’ve learned that this war is gonna last all year, and then all bets are off if China has to invade Taiwan. The US of Arrogance thinks Taiwan is Rhode Island. I mean, hell, why don’t we treat Puerto Rico better and leave Taiwan alone? Tis “so far away, doesn’t any body stay in one place any more?” Thanks to Carole King, there is a quote… ah, but we don’t have no place to stay in America, just look at all the folks camping out in the cars, rv’ s, in the tents in the streets, on the cardboard , down and out in the low land. Welcome them. They is us. The US of Arrogance.
We gonna pay the salaries of the dead soldiers in Nukraine, gone MIA not KIA so those who live can collect the salaries sent from America, thanks Joey. I ain’t been able to keep no work for like 2 years since the scamdemic, now the jobs want needlerape, not just casting couch… unless if you is Hunter Biden, you get a free ride and Meta biolabs, which ain’t weapons, they swear. Not nice to swear.
in the link above, you can read about a third through, from Lords of War cite re: Questions about Lithuaina and blockade of Kaliningrad…
Most think we don’t need, i mean Russia won’t need, to go nuclear to resolve the newest Nukraine NukroNazies nexus, and demilitarize as well as deNazifie, but a loser US with elections coming is as dangerous as a skunk riding a bicycle , named Joey…
what are your thoughts?
Skunk Anti-Defamation Society here, we ride bikes awesome, but hard to find in our size.
Great how you can insert levity in situations most serious Grasshopper.