Hello my dear friends, thanks for dropping in.
I like the flower of the day to start…
I found this an interesting thread , so I repost for your perusal.
Anything that activates my a ‘ grin is worth repeatin….
Part one above , but read bottom up if you want chronologism forwards…
Part two, read bottom to top, etc…
Part three, bottom to top…
I post the oldest portion first, so it ought to read in order I hope.
Why don't you check Anne Gibbon's classic work, for a good time, in these eversive substack pages….I opine.
Linkskie above or use her title page Anne Can't stand it….
And they will reprimand me if I don't promote my self, so here are the buttons ….thanks
Always love to hear from you. Sometimes it may get interesting conversatin….
What else had I to speak?
Well, I'll save it for next time, hoping that there will be one.
Blessings and be safe , my friends.
I leave you with an interesting product placement of people / things to be avoided, please
Selling war, drugs, bad acting, & lies