Boeing to eliminate landing gear in a bid to cut costs
Also Boeing gives lifetime free rides vouchers to demoRats, as welfare granted to poor corporations demands retribution, execs proclaim
Boeing has begun building paper airplanes, with American no how. Hide your kids…
Speaking of airplanes, dammit spell check I typed aireoplaneos, there that's better, bester still, swell…
Oh yeahs, today's skypainting of the day from San Jose Lost Gatos areo, although much the same swill in walnut freaks , everywhere I go the skypainting is making it like ten degrees colder and doomageddon creepy clouds or whatever to call that stuff we injest
I saw this from Kittens secret garden today, she writes about Elon nixxing the fixin to eliminate images of child compromise, should I repost it? Will he come after me ? He followed me on twattster,
I should cite the work as a depressant
But first , I just found this in my junk folder, says 83% of respondents report ropeworms, entitled Clotastrophe…
If that is of interest ….I wish I had more time to read such things but the figure of 83% merits immediate freak out, disco inferno, and roof on fire panic, oh well.
Oh, kittens today…
Then I will comment upon th dog of elon
So we are getting bad feelings , with oh oh oh feelings, from the dog of Elon. He was supposed to have stopped the war already, what happened?
Why America at war with Russia? Because if America didn’t throw some craphole nation against a wall every few seconds, we'd be a cordial contemporary, not a dominant hegemon. scAmerica requires folks to be afraid.
Let me tell you a story.
When I was young , the kids had one of theirs beat me up for a while. Then I said he won, You win. When he wouldn't stop I had to defend myself. That is Russia. Joe Biden wouldn't stop sneezing mortars killing Russian speakers. Lavrov recently said how they wanted to eliminate Russian speaking in Ukraine, which is the language most folks speak. Ukraine is Russia. I had to fight back to get the kid to stop beating me up.
Russia requires reasonable safety for Russian speakers everywhere. No nazeee peloseee Nuland losers Lindsey Graham can go back to whatever state he doesn't represent or send his own kids to fight on the front line.
No NATO hato in Ukraine, ever, never, forever. No Nazies. No military. No beating up Russia, not in Georgia, prednistrova, nor anywhere else fixin to infuriate and provocate. No.
Tis too hard for some to understand, so the killing continues….
I get a bad feeling.
Gas getting cut to Moldova that didn't want to pay for it, what they gonna do? Invade transnistria and give the weapons to UKraine to the youngsters that won't know how to shoot them hardly, how that will help? Will help get more folks killed.
The West is happy that a million ukrainians died attacking Russia, that is a million less Russians to oppose the West, which wants to take over the world. Even if it means blowing it up
Still waiting for any anti war against Russia movement in SF killafornia…have you seen it? Did I miss it?
I leave you with my old paper airplane…
From the last record before what is now the former undisclosed locate torn down abandoned plagued with solitary isolation ScKamala nation
Happy new year. We hope and pray.
A most excellent convo twixt Daniel Davis and mercurious re fUkraine
First, I think the only thing better than that dog picture... (It is fake isn't it?)... would be Musk kissing the dogs ass. I think less of Trumph every day. He's starting to look like more chaos in all things.
So, I've read allot about all the rubber clot claims. To me the numbers aren't there. If 80% of people were vaccxed and that is the cause then a far greater number of deceased with clots should be seen. So, I do think that when a gene altering substance is injected to a large population many things may occur... Including clots.
When I copy links I always remove everything after the question mark. All that is Internet tracking information that I don't want to contribute. I copy it out to my email editor and remove the tracking and then click the link. These are your links with the garbage removed. Try it...
If that works then this one has the "?" Removed as well.
Oh, kittens today…
Then, finally... I will never fly anywhere again ever. Happy New Year!