Assassinations are here again....attempts against Fico, Orban, Trump, and Putin...
Brought to you by the funders of Ukraine , scamdemic Harmacide, and Isra Hell
Trump is said to have risked having his own head blown off to stage the photo op of his own assassination, like attending his own funerala. Fun and funner. Doesn't seem like his style, unless elenskies was doing the piana soundtrack in the silent movie.
Fico fared less well than Trump, but his assassin sponsors got the idea to keep trying, the dark shadow of state terror permeates our tortured demoRat state. I told Aaron Peskin they'd assassinate me after my bid for mayor, and if you've ever been in solitary you'll know they mostly succeeded with just that.
Biden coughs up USSS for RFKjr, I'd be more afraid now because of that, were I him.
Anyway, mostly I'd been meaning to post some music for a few minutes from weeks ago, when last i’d played, and this flower of the day…
Article above about Ukraine assassins and slimy sluggies
I am growing more depressed by the day with less and less of consequence to say…
Maybe you have anything ?
Is it possible to enter DC without pledging allegiance to zio freakistan?
Are there any assassinations that didn't have state sponsors of Ukraine, UK, US, and if so who else is capable of such , I guess Isra Hell…
Ok, mystery solved. What's up with the shooter in the water tower? Probably just looking for a place to pee without putting down his gun, his rifle, his shoulder fired rocket outstanding so no one would see him take down that helicopter…
I think the space aliens did it after they made dude play special need student for black rock….the aliens get injexted surreptitiously….Into your blood, I mean .
with that sentiment, i bring you these old efforts mostly ignored, feel free to do that too, what is the use to even bother? i am shutting it down, basically, what else i can do?
John Denver Biden, above, papiere` airplaneola
MariGolds, 2, the first one got cut like Trumps van gough earie, above
the encore, Flooding , above, and finally,
the first song i warmed up with , The Rainbow, with another song stapled to the end i couldn’t really remember , Gaia’s Appeal, what a loser i am, oh well
if you want to send me dough, which i am not asking for, you can do that in the subscribe thingie, or the ko-fi linkskie,
you can be the first, but again, i only put this as it was requested, like going paid in the first place, i know i ain’t worth your hard earned doughie, seeing as i ran for mayor and lost against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom, when i begged folks not to give me no money, and one guy insisted and i had to open a damm bank account for that and they tried to fine me for violating their rules.
i just got towed again, the MTA admits the ticket is a block away from where the car was towed, geography, oh well. But they say they will correct the tixcket i paid, and not refund my tow nor the torture and terror they regular impose upon me in San Francisco, hide your kids, hide you car, hide your soul elsewhere from the vampire city with a mayor named Longdong breed, i mean, London Greed, who locked us down in the scamdemic.
will they ever let us out of jail? seems unlikely…
if you get to the songs, within youtube, where you can subscribe there if you need to have commercials assault you, you can like these things, if you wanted
Gosh, I hope you ar feeling better than I am today, fare thee well my dear friends, welcome to the newest subscribers, readers, listeners…
and that’s our show
Alex Christoforou today says the story he spoke of yesterday re the car bomb audio was fake, Orban not yet bad
I didn’t get out of my pajamas until after dinner. Not my normal. Grasshopper , thanks for writing this up. And sharing your music.